August 11, 2020
Chamber Insider

Mark Your Calendar!

Elite Referral Group
8:00 AM - 09:15 AM
Zoom Meeting


August Coworking Lunch - In-Person!
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Exchange Coffee House in the Canyons Community East of I-25
1415 Westbridge Drive

Castle Pines, CO 80108

Elite Referral Group
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Zoom Meeting


Ambassadors Meeting
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce
482 West Happy Canyon Road
Castle Pines, CO 80108

Now Is The Time To Take Advantage Of Your Chamber Benefits!

Your membership is in your hands, so take the opportunity to use these High Five tools to promote your business!

1. Attend a virtual networking/training event.

2. Place an ad in our Thursday community email blast.

3. Send in a 2020 deal/discount for our Shop The Chamber page.

4. Let us know about your social media posts that you would like us to share/promote. 

5. Update your personal webpage on our Chamber website.

Support Local Businesses! Shop The Chamber in 2020!

Whether you are operating virtually or in-person, the Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to supporting safe commerce now and in the future. 

As a Castle Pines Chamber member, you have the opportunity to post a 2020 deal/discount that will run for the entire year on our website. 


Calling All Members! Have You Advertised In Our Thursday E-Blast Lately?


Did you know that you have the opportunity to promote your business in our Thursday e-blast twice per quarter? 

Send ANY size ad (JPEG,PDF or PNG) and we will include it! 

Please send all ads to

Helpful Hint: Ads that include a discount, call to action or deal work the best! 

As always, we are happy to market and promote your business!


We Are Working Virtually!

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, the Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce office is temporarily closed. Our staff is working virtually as we stay dedicated to helping our members and advancing our Mission. 

If you would like to contact the Chamber, please do so by emailing Tina at: Thank you! 

Be In The Know! Opt-In To Receive Chamber Text Alerts and Information!


Now you can receive up to date info about upcoming Chamber events and opportunities in the palm of your hand!

Text CPMEMBER to 57838 to be in the know! 

Join Us for Lunch at the Exchange!

Feel Connected, Stay Productive, Meet Interesting People
Whether you’re new to working remotely or you have been teleworking for years – we’ve all got things to learn! We understand that working remotely has many benefits but it also can have drawbacks when it comes to collaborating with others. This Coworking meeting is YOUR chance to ask the group, share ideas, swap skills, learn from each other.
Join us in-person outdoors at the beautiful new Exchange Coffee House on Wednesday, August 19 to share what you are working on, and how your businesses are doing during this time.

Wednesday, August 19
Exchange Coffee House
Outdoor Courtyard with social distancing 


Thank you To ALL of our Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce Members!

During these challenging and uncertain times, the Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce would like to thank ALL of our members for your continued membership and support.

It is because of your generosity and partnership that our organization has been able to weather this storm making it possible for us to continue to work for you to promote your business, create connections and to foster a sense of support and community as we work to get through this time together. Thank you! 

How to Use Hashtags!!

A hashtag is a label used on social media sites that makes it easier to find information with a theme or specific content. Hashtags encourage social media users to explore content that catches their eye, but are you using hashtags effectively? Dr. Michelle Post will help you learn the what, why and how to use hashtags to your advantage! 

Thursday, September 17 


How Can You Support Local Businesses? Check The Chamber Directory First!

Are you ready to tackle a new summer project? Does your roof need repairs?
Are you wondering who to talk to about insurance and/or legal needs?
Check the Chamber Directory first at

Special Thanks to our Patron's Circle Members!

We couldn't do what we do without YO

Thank You To Our Executive Circle Members!


Follow Us!

Want to be in the know about current Chamber news and events? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram! 

Chamber Insider - August 11, 2020