Call for Nominations

The Jim Anderson Professional Torch Award & Scholarship

The Jim Anderson Professional Torch Award & Scholarship is presented annually to recognize outstanding Missouri or Southwestern Illinois Chamber professionals. 

This new award and scholarship is named in honor of long-time Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Jim Anderson. Nominees should be mentors, taking the time to develop and support those who are moving their respective Chamber and communities forward.
The winner of the Jim Anderson Professional Torch Award will receive a scholarship to attend the American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) annual conference, as well as to have a one-year membership in ACCE. The award is sponsored by the St. Louis Regional Chamber; the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce; the American Chamber of Commerce Executives; the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce; the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry; and the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce.
The ACCE annual conference will take place August 12-15, 2014 in Cincinnati. 

Selection process
  1. The award committee will review completed nominations and make their decisions based on the nominee’s leadership and mentor contributions, professional development goals, and service to the industry, the Chamber and their region. Additional considerations include the Chamber’s budget.
  2. All applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by email no later than July 11, 2014.
  3. The winner will be contacted and provided registration instructions.
Award Conditions
  1. If a recipient is unable to attend the annual conference or leaves the Chamber, the scholarship shall be given to an alternate individual selected by the award committee. This award is awarded to an individual, not the Chamber.
  2. There will be no actual exchange of funds; the award covers the registration and membership fee, transportation to and from the conference and hotel, and meals. Incidentals are the responsibility of the winner.
  3. All decisions of the award committee are final.
The nomination form is linked here and also attached to this email. Nominations are due Monday, June 16, 2014. This Award is open to all Missouri and Southwestern, Illinois Chamber professionals. Nominations may be submitted by anyone, and self-nominations are also encouraged.
Please share this information with your Chamber team and provide details in your local newsletters. Please also have this information available on your website for additional promotion and nomination opportunities.
Contact Gary Broome at the St. Louis Regional Chamber at (314) 444-1171 or, should you have questions. Thank you!
1 column - Call for Nominations