About Family Friendly New Mexico
Our mission is to recognize and support employers that adopt and implement family-friendly policies so that businesses, employees, and their families can thrive
FFNM is a nonprofit initiative that recognizes New Mexico businesses with family-friendly policies and serves as a resource for businesses to increase and improve the policies they offer their employees. We support businesses to become family-friendly and improve their family-friendly practices by providing educational seminars, toolkits with sample policies, membership & the NEW Create a Family Friendly Workplace online course.
Family Friendly New Mexico envisions that all New Mexican workers are able to achieve a healthy balance between work and life, which means they have the time and capacity to care for their children and families, have access to good jobs, and are able to contribute to their communities.
FFNM does not advocate for legislation or regulation but simply works to promote family-friendly business practices to New Mexico businesses. Family Friendly New Mexico is a project of the 501c3 Center of Southwest Culture.
Visit nmfamilyfriendlybusiness.org to learn more.
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