Casa Fortaleza

About Casa Fortaleza

Casa Fortaleza provides victim advocacy, case management services, therapy, and outreach to mainly Spanish-speaking victims/survivors of sexual violence. We also have interrupters for all languages and accept English-speaking clients.

Services are confidential, in clients' language, and at no cost. Regardless of immigration status, we do not request identification or social security numbers.

We offer case management therapy, advocate support and education, and community service options and information. Sessions can be in-person on-site in our office or remote via computer or Zoom sessions. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 20 men will have suffered sexual violence at some point in their lives.

Sexual violence can occur in

  1. relationships, married, not married, or on a date, in a group
  2. in the work area, in a forced marriage, someone known or unknown
  3. verbal sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking
  4. incest, child abuse or grooming, pornography shown to minors
  5. female genital mutilation

Sexual Assault is never the victim's vault, regarding gender, sexual orientation, age, or relationship.

Here's What We Offer

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