Coldwater Chamber of Commerce Mobile App
Coldwater Country, the pulse of Michigan; where the unexpected is just what you

The Branch Area Chamber of Commerce: We are an organization representing a cross-section of more than 600 retailers, manufacturers and service providers. The Branch County Area Chamber of Commerce serves as the voice of area business and as a resource to our members. Our Mission: The Branch County Area Chamber of Commerce's mission is to improve the business environment and quality of life in the Branch County area. We will do this through promotion, development, support, coordination and influence of activities and organizations in the communities we serve. Guiding Principles - The principles which will guide us in all we do are: - To operate with honesty, truthfulness and integrity. - To be fair with all. - To build goodwill and relationships. - To maintain financial stability. - To be a resource to all in the area. Our Goals for the Future: Goal: Increase Education on Political Issues and Candidates Goal: Increase Member Benefits and Services Goal: Build Area Economic and Community Development Initiatives Goal: Maintain Financial Stability

Requires Android 11 or higher.

Requires iOS 8.0 or higher.