About College Hunks Hauling
More Than Junk Hauling & Moving
We Are The Trusted Professionals For All Your Needs
At College H.U.N.K.S. we truly take our name to heartHonest, Uniformed, Nice, Knowledgeable, Service. That means that you can always trust our team to be courteous, friendly, and respectful of your property and belongings. Whether you hire us for junk hauling, moving, or one of our end-to-end services, you can rest easy knowing our teams are committed to providing the highest quality experience for your needs. And with nationwide locations in the United States and Canada, there's no shortage of experienced professionals ready to lend a hand.
We aim to be the largest and most popular employer of professionally-trained service providers and a launchpad for entrepreneurs who either start their own College HUNKS businesses or who use the lessons learned in our business to launch other concepts and power the economy. Our mission is to help people live the American dream of owning a business and making a positive impact.
Here's What We Offer
We are committed to delivering our very best. Explore what we have to offer.
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