Choose What’s Right For You
PDA allows you to choose the classes that are right for you.

What Is The Cost For The Classes?
Cost for the Greater Bartow Chamber of Commerce Professional Development Academy classes are covered in your Chamber membership investment. If you are an employee of a Chamber member business, you are entitled to attend any of the classes at no cost. However, if you do register for a class, and cannot attend, you must notify the Chamber 24 hours prior to the class. If you fail to notify the Chamber and do not show up, your business will be charged an administration fee of $15 for the missed class. If you are not employed by a Chamber member business, the classes are $29.00 per class.

Where Are The Classes Held?
All classes are held at the Clear Springs Advanced Technology Center
    Polk State College Corporate College
    310 Technology Drive
    Bartow, Florida 33830

What Time Are Classes?
Classes begin at 7:30 a.m. and end at 9:30 a.m.

Do I Have To Attend Every Class?
Absolutely not. You are allowed to pick and choose the classes that are right for you.

Do I Need To Pre-Register?
Yes - pre-registration is necessary. Simply go online to www.bartowchamber.com and click on the Professional Development Academy icon.

How Do I Earn My Certificate?
You can earn your Professional Development Academy Certificate by attending a minimum of four of the classes.

Template dome - copy of May 8, 2018

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