July 2012

Newest Members

Mi Casa Restaurant
Sutton , Santa

Road Runner
Durgin, Chris

You Have New Officers and Directors

Lupe Diaz, President

The board of directors had a vote on Tuesday, July 17th, at our monthly Directors meeting and you have new officers and directors representing you at the Chamber.

The lineup for officers are Lupe Diaz as President, David Bryan for Secretary, and Gloria Durgin as Treasurer. Our newest Board members are Marilyn Gourley, Malhon Mackenzie, and Amanda Malbouef. The remaining members are Serena Griffith as Director and Mike Hug as Past President.

The board of directors had a vote on Tuesday, July 17th, at our monthly Directors meeting and you have new officers and directors representing you at the Chamber.

It is our hope to serve our membership in a positive way. We will do this by listening and observing what is going on in and around our community and sharing it back with you. I will do my best to share with you what is happening with the chamber on a regular basis.

On Wednesday or Thursday of next week look for an email from Benson / San Pedro Valley Chamber of Commerce with the title line Information Statistic Report. This report will show how many people have looked at your specific business in the month of July through the Chamber’s web site.  This is one of the benefits that the Chamber offers you as part of you membership. You have a presence on the internet with our website wwhttp://www.bensonchamberaz.comw.bensonchamberaz.com and people are looking at your business when they visit our site.

This is just one way that the chamber is serving you.

Lupe Diaz – President

New Board Members Sworn In
Benson | San Pedro Valley News - July 2012

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