BC Home Church

BCA is a church that desires to reach those in our community and around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We want to show God's love in a way you will understand, embrace, and establish a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Passion...

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About BC Home Church

About Us

BCA is a church that desires to reach those in our community and around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We want to show God's love in a way you will understand, embrace, and establish a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Passion: God, People, and the Word? Loving everyone without exception, loving people right where they are, and teaching the Word of God. Our People: Welcoming and Giving, A welcoming and inviting church that gives of our time, talent, and treasure to further the kingdom of God here on earth. Our Purpose: Reaching our City and beyond...Going into our community and the world to be living examples of the love and grace of God.

Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.

Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.

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