Faith Christian Church

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Faith Christian Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come i...

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About Faith Christian Church

About Us About Us
About Us

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Faith Christian Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.

is positive about life, caring about people and passionate about God.
We're a life-giving church.
We're a come as you are church.
We're a Bible believing church.
We're a loving family.
We're a place where people can find a second chance.
We're a mission minded church with a servant attitude.
We're a church that has vibrant, heart-felt worship.
We reach out because people matter to God.
We're in process, aiming at becoming fully devoted
followers of Jesus Christ.

Faith Christian Church is a non-denominational church. That means we come from many different backgrounds and traditions. We are able to blend together the best of our various traditions to make our own unique way of worship.We make the Bible our authority for what we believe and teach.You'll find that we focus on helping people find and follow God. We believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. It is through Jesus we can have a relationship with God.


As Christians seeking to do God's will in our world,
we commit ourselves to the following:

(1)Worship of God.
(2) Witness to the truth of Jesus Christ as the sole Redeemer.
(3) Weave the values of the Christian faith into the lives of our children, youth and adults.
(4) Welcome others into our fellowship in a conscious way, believing Christ died for all.
(5) Work to minimize human suffering

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