
Our Mission

Waterford.org combines the science of learning, the power of mentoring, and the promise of technology to build family and community partnerships that deliver access, excellence, and equity in early education for all children.

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About Waterford.org

About Us About Us
About Us About Us

Our Mission

Waterford.org combines the science of learning, the power of mentoring, and the promise of technology to build family and community partnerships that deliver access, excellence, and equity in early education for all children.

Our Story

Waterford.org was founded by Dr. Dustin Heuston, a pioneering educator who believed every child deserves lifelong learning success. Over the years, Dr. Heuston built a collaborative model of child, family, and educator engagement that delivers significant and lasting academic achievement gains. In 2009, that model was launched in Utah with Dr. Claudia Miner as Waterford Upstart, a kindergarten readiness project serving 4-year-old children and their families. Funded by the Utah State Legislature, Waterford Upstart delivers computer-adaptive instruction at home alongside personalized support from learning coaches who monitor progress and empower parents and caregivers as their child’s first teachers. Thanks to generous sponsors and partners, Waterford programs have expanded to serve over 300,000 children annually through at-home and in-school programs. And that number is continuously growing!

Our Beliefs

Waterford.org believes every individual has the capacity for growth at every stage of life, and childhood academic experiences are uniquely critical for setting a lifetime learning trajectory.

Thanks to philanthropic support and a local partnership with Read by 4th in Philadelphia, Waterford.org delivered Waterford Upstart at no cost to families in the community, including Kimberly Johnson and her 5-year-old son, Kingston.

Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.

Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.

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