Are You Seeing a Dip?

Social Media Engagement: Are you seeing a dip?

Monica Preston/Chamber Nation

The dreaded "J" months; January, June and July; the slowest months of the year in sales, retail and other business sectors. Not only is there a dip in revenue during these months but you could also be experiencing a change to your social media engagement. While it may not always be attributed to the months, social media engagement can be a struggle as more people venture outside due to weather, activities, family time, and all the other things that keep people occupied. So what can you do about it? Well, for beginners plan. Plan for the slow months but either ramping up during the rest of the year, using these months as a opportunity to build relationships with your customer/client base. Following up with your past customers is critical to not only building face to face relationships, but also fostering social relationships on your social media channels. Follow up is critical as it leads to more sales, gives insight into what your clients value, shows them you care, gives you a steady stream of referrals, among many other things.

Besides following up, analyzing and reworking your social media strategy can have lasting benefits to help get you through the slow months as well. The latest blog post from Chamber Nation addresses challenges we face on social media and how analyzing and reviewing your activity online can help you in the long run. One of the biggest challenges is staying social on social media. People don't come to your page to buy things; they come for entertainment, socializing and community. Beginning with your customer in mind, look at your social content and see how you are positioning your message. Start there and see what content your followers are looking for then revise your strategy from there. If you don't have a social media strategy, reach out to us so we can help you get more visible in the social world.

Community Garden Volunteers Needed

Do you have a green thumb? If so, St Judes Ranch for Children could use your services! Come on out June 30 from 8-10 a.m. They are looking for folks to help lay bricks for raised beds, lay mulch and soil and plant trees and flowers. No need to register, just simply show up! Oh and you may want to bring some gloves with you!

Wine Walk Businesses Needed for Judging Contests

Attention Wine Walk Businesses! You should have received an email this morning regarding judging the theme contest we have for September through December. Check your email for details!

Chamber Volunteer Appreciation

On June 6 we had our annual Volunteer Appreciation Event where we celebrate and treat our volunteers to an amazing day/night out. Our volunteers were treated to the Postcard Tour from Black Canyon Adventures and then snacks and lunch at the park. We appreciate all of our volunteers as without them, we wouldn't be able to operate. Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers!
Chamber Happenings Mobile - Are You Seeing a Dip?