Do you know your target customer?

Boulder City Stats and Demographics Now Available

We are excited to share the most recent Boulder City Statistics & Demographics which is conveniently located on our website. Knowing the demographics of the community your business serves does many things; one of which helps you as a business market more effectively to your target audience. If your products and services attract a specific audience, are there enough people to get their hands on your product or service; or do you need to use other marketing methods to reach your target audience. How are you leveraging the services the Chamber offers as part of your membership? If you aren't or need a review, contact Brina to schedule some time to visit and find out how to make your Chamber website, domain and other services work for you! 

Business Expansion: 5 Tips You Need to Know

One of the goals of many small businesses is to expand; whether that is into new markets or expand product or service offerings. Many do it too fast which ultimately causes the business to have to pull back, run on tighter resources, or close up completely. The risk is incredibly high, but doing research prior to the expansion can save you sleepless nights and help you avoid a crippling financial situation. To avoid making a costly mistake, follow these 5 tips ......  

Boulder City Community Club Looking for a New Logo

The Boulder City Community Club is on the hunt for a new logo for the Doodlebug Bazaar. They are looking for a new, modern, empowered and updated character logo to replace their current ladybug. Photo of original art can be submitted to or dropped off at BC Real Estate by September 15. Make sure the submission includes name and phone number and it must be original work from the submitter. There is a $500 cash prize available! 

Trunk or Treat October 26

Well, we opened a crazy bag of candy a couple of weeks ago! To show you the power of social media, we created an event on our Facebook page for the annual Trunk or Treat and it has been hauntingly popular! As of 8/15, it has reached 71,000 people (the event has appeared on newsfeeds), has 2,900 responses (interested or going), and 65% of the responses are from people outside of Boulder City! It's still being shared and still receiving responses daily. 

What does all this mean? Our highest attended Trunk or Treat was around 350 cars and since we charge by the carload, that could mean one to however many people can safely fit in a vehicle. We are preparing for a BIG event this year, being highly attended with the organic response we have received already. You may want to consider being a sponsor this year if you've never been. We always look for businesses to sponsor games, activities, the stage, food, and more. While we don't have the details on sponsorships just yet, if you'd like to get in on it, respond to this email and we will get you details as soon as we know them! We will be posting December activities in September and are hoping to have much of the same response. 
Chamber Happenings Mobile - Do you know your target customer?