Welcome to SAMCEDA (San Mateo County Economic Development Association)
Founded in 1953, SAMCEDA (San Mateo County Economic Development Association) has been a cornerstone in promoting business issues that enhance and sustain the economic prosperity of our region and its local communities. Our enduring message, "Business is Good, Business Brings Opportunity," encapsulates our mission to foster a thriving business environment.
As change accelerates locally, regionally, statewide, nationally, and globally, SAMCEDA is committed to providing our members with the information, ideas, and tools necessary to stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape.
What We Offer
- Influential Advocacy: We provide our members with a powerful voice and a seat at the table on issues that impact business, education, non-profits, and residents.
- Direct Communication: Engage directly with top federal, state, regional, and local political leaders, and other key stakeholders.
- Regional Partnerships: Benefit from our established relationships with regional partners throughout the Bay Area, including the Bay Area Council, Joint Venture Silicon Valley, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG), The Bay Planning Coalition, and the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR).
- Timely Information: Access crucial information on budgetary and fiscal stability across state, regional, and local jurisdictions. Stay informed on policy initiatives affecting transportation, housing, education, workforce development, technology, environment, healthcare, land use/zoning, and economic growth.
- Economic Research: Utilize up-to-date economic research prepared both internally and externally, sourced from multiple independent agencies covering San Mateo County, the greater Bay Area, and the State of California.
- Member Spotlights: Highlight your business through our various marketing tools, including social media, e-newsletters, our website, and our YouTube channel.
- Ongoing Engagement: Stay connected through monthly Housing, Land Use & Transportation, Public Policy Committee meetings, industry-specific roundtables, issue-based special convenings, and economic forums.
Join SAMCEDA today and be part of a dynamic network dedicated to economic growth and prosperity.
Here's What We Offer
We are committed to delivering our very best. Explore what we have to offer.
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