Maria's Training Newsletter

Maria is going to kick!!

 This is where the teaser paragraph goes.....


Calendar Events

Redeveloping Gardena Brownfield Sites An Environmental Justice -WORKSHOP- Be a Partner and Share a Vision to turn Brownfiels Into Greenfields and Attractive Business Site -GUEST SPEAKERS:- Maryam Tasnif-Abbasi, DTSC TSI Grant Coordinator, Department of Toxic Substances Control. -Earld D. James, Vice President, Jami Striegel Orloff, P.E., Erler & Kalinowski, Inc. (EKI) -Arthur G. Heath, Ph.D., Environmental Program Manager 1, Calif. Regional Water Quality Control Board -Dr. Teklewold Ayalew, Engineering Geologist, Califonia Regional Water quality Control Board - PLEASE RSVP TO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE (310)217-9504 NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, FEB 16, 2010

YWCA Crimson Awards Banquet
For Excellence in achievement the honorees are: Betty Anderson, Community Activist - Alison Kochiyama, NonProfit Services - Kim Swobodzinski, CSI/Law Enforcement

February Mixer
Kick off 2010 with the Networking Extravaganza at one of the Chamber member - Boys & Girls Club of South Bay. Enjoy delicious food, drinks, Door prizes, and the 50/50. While making new connections

Gardena Chamber Newsletter - Maria's Training Newsletter

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