June 2010
"Business Monthly"

SAVE THE DATE - AUGUST 26th , 2010

Chambers Combine Efforts for August 26 Networking Event

The West Valley Chambers of Commerce Alliance will hold its 9th Annual “BiztoBiz” Trade Show on August 26 at the Wigwam Resort from 4-7pm featuring exhibitor businesses from the Glendale, Wickenburg, Southwest Valley, Surprise Regional, Peoria, and Buckeye Valley Chambers of Commerce.

Exhibit spaces are still only $150 (if registered before August 1) and $175 thereafter. There is a $25 additional charge for basic electricity. Exhibit space includes a six foot draped table top and two chairs.
Space is limited to a first come first served basis and this show always sells out, so reserve your space NOW!

A great opportunity to showcase your business to over 500 non-exhibitor attendees, as well as to the 100 plus exhibitors, this will be the one show you won’t want to miss! Meet potential business clients from all over the West Valley and network with hundreds of other businesses, all in one venue!

Registration is being handled by the Southwest Valley Chamber of Commerce. To register, contact them directly at 623-932-2260.



The Second Regular Session of the 49th Arizona Legislature adjourned sine die on April 29th at 11:07 p.m. A handful of big issues dominated the 109 days, notably the budget and the immigration law enforcement bill.

State government in Arizona is operating on 2004 income with 2010 demands. It has been difficult to address to say the least, and in most cases budget-related bills passed on a partisan basis. The Legislature passed a two-pronged budget in March, with and without passage of the tax increase. The possibility of an additional billion dollars in cuts rests with the voters on May 18th when the fate of the three-year one-cent sales tax increase is determined.

Even with a one-cent increase, agencies that receive general fund appropriations have been ordered to submit plans to find new funding sources for operations. Some of these agencies currently generate revenue sufficient to fund their operations, but those monies go into the general fund and may be appropriated as need is determined by the Legislature.

The fiscal year 2010/2011 budget also relies on voter approval for two referrals on the November 2010 ballot; one to repeal the Early Childhood Development Fund and redirect the existing resources; the other to sweep monies from the Land Conservation Fund. The voters approved the Early Child Development Fund in 2006. It imposed an 80-cent per pack tobacco surcharge to be used for early childhood development and health. First Things First, as it is commonly known, was the subject of much debate this year due to its substantial fund balance and how the program money can be used.




Top 10 Reasons To Be A Member Of The Glendale Chamber of Commerce

1) New Business Contacts – Networking events and new business contacts are held on a regular basis that will help your business grow. With nearly 900 members representing thousands of area employees, the Chamber also speaks with a strong voice for our business community.

2) Credibility – Investing in the Chamber creates credibility for your business and makes a statement that you are committed to the future of the Glendale area business community.

3) Membership Benefit Programs – The Chamber has a number of insurance and member benefit programs, all designed to save you money.

4) Leadership Development – Learning opportunities/professional development programs are held to assist you in running a smarter, more profitable business.

5) Business Referrals – The Chamber’s website www.glendaleazchamber.org receives over 500,000 hits and produces15,000-20,000 business referrals every month through our online membership directory. Our printed business directory is distributed to over 4,000 visitors and new residents each year.



Chamber Directory Ad Sales To Close June 15

The Chambers 2010-2011 Membership Directory will be published in July, following a June membership drive. The Chamber thanks the advertisers that have committed to date for their patience, as the economy had had an impact on reaching our sales goals. We are almost there, and will be going to press in July, to allow our newest members to have a presence in the publication.
We still have a few ad spaces left that begin at only $350. You can still purchase ad space until June 15. No sales will be made after that date. For additional ad information, contact the chamber at 623-937-4754 or info@glendaleazchamber.org.

Chamber To Conduct June Memebership Drive

Members of the Chambers Board of Directors and Networking Groups will be taking to the phones in late June for the first Chamber membership drive to be held in several years. Approximately 6 teams of volunteers will spend time promoting the Chamber to non member area businesses, encouraging them to take advantage of the many insurance, networking, and economic development benefits the Chamber offers to small business members.

Networking Events for June

First Friday Member Breakfast…Who is Your Ideal Customer? – Join us at Bitzee Mama’s in downtown Glendale on June 4 from 7:30-9am for our “First Friday” Membership Networking Breakfast. Our program this month features “My Business Marketing Mentor”presenting a program on “Defining Your Perfect Customer and Finding More of Them”. Cost is still only $5 per person and is a great opportunity to promote your business! Don’t forget to bring business cards! No RSVP necessary.

June Membership Blender Hosted by Mid First Bank – Join the fun and plan to attend our June Membership Blender on the 17th from 5-7pm at MidFirst Bank (6508 West Bell Road). Tours of the beautiful new facility, great food and lots of networking! We need RSVP’s for this one, though. Please call the Chamber at 623-937-4754 or email to info@glendaleazchamber.org your attendance.

Attendees at May's "First Friday"

Chamber members attending "May's First Friday" New Member networking breakfast at Bitzee Mama's Restaurant








Ribbon Cutting @ Calico's Jack's in Westgate

Chamber members welcome Calico Jack's located at 6770 N. Sunrise Blvd. to the Chamber

Ribbon Cutting @ Zendejas Grill

Chamber members welcome Zendejas Grill located at 19420 N. 59th Avenue to the Chamber.

SCF Arizona Board Approves $7.5 Million Dividend

May 19, 2010 February 12, 2008
SCF Arizona Board Approves $7.5 Million Dividend

PHOENIX – Arizona-based workers’ compensation insurance provider SCF Arizona announced its Board of Directors approved a $7.5 million dividend payout for 2009 to qualified policyholders.

“In this tough economy, we are pleased to be able to infuse $7.5 million back into our local communities in the way of dividends to our customers who have earned it by keeping their workplaces safe,” said SCF Board Chair Judith Patrick.

SCF Arizona President & CEO Don Smith noted the Board’s action marks 39 straight years the state’s largest workers’ compensation provider has been able to reward safe customers with dividends. The amount paid to qualified policyholders will depend on their annual premium and record of workplace injury claims.

“Dividends are never guaranteed,” Smith said. “The Board bases its decision on SCF’s financial performance for the year and the conditions in the marketplace.”

SCF has been serving Arizona since 1925, and is the state’s largest workers’ compensation insurer providing coverage to more than 35,000 active policyholders – most of them small businesses – and their nearly half-million employees.

As the dominant carrier in the market, SCF partners with more than 70 trade and business associations to provide workplace safety education. SCF’s commitment to creating a culture of safety throughout Arizona to keep workers safe has helped the state earn a national reputation as a workplace safety leader. And members of SCF’s Association Safety Program also may be eligible for a bonus safety dividend.

“We always say that safe companies save money, and returning dividends to the companies that have earned it through their safety records is just one way they can recognize these savings,” Smith said. “It’s a credit to our organization and our Board that through an emphasis on workplace safety, quality claims management and our efforts to keep premiums among the lowest in the nation, that even in this slow economy we are able to provide a dividend to many of our deserving policyholders, and we congratulate those who have earned it,” Smith said.
SCF Arizona is the state’s largest workers’ compensation insurer, serving more than 35,000 active policyholders and more than 500,000 employees statewide. SCF has operated in Arizona for more than 85 years, holds $3.4 billion in assets and employs more than 500 people. SCF is headquartered in Phoenix and has offices in Flagstaff, Lake Havasu City, Prescott, Show Low, Tucson and Yuma. For more information, visit www.scfaz.com.




6) Publicity & Exposure – All Chamber programs are designed to give your business more publicity, exposure and heightened name recognition so customers know who you are.

7) Marketing & Advertising – Targeted and affordable advertising opportunities are available to help you market your business more effectively on a small budget.

8) Gaining a Voice In Government – The Chamber is your business representative on the local, regional, state and national levels. The Chamber employees a lobbyist through the West Valley Chamber Alliance to ensure that your voice is heard on vital regulatory, legislative and educational issues affecting your business.

9) Community Commitment – The Chamber is committed to working local government and other agencies on quality of life issues so residents (your customers) enjoy greater opportunities.

10) A Healthy Local Economy – The Chamber partners with the City of Glendale and other economic development groups to assist existing businesses and recruit new businesses to our area to help grow our tax base.





The Pulse - June 2010

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