Hopkins Farm Brewery

Located in Havre de Grace, MD, Hopkins Farm Brewery embodies the enduring legacy of the Hopkins family, who have cultivated the land at the intersection of Rider Lane, Level Road (Rt. 155), and Aldino Road since the 1920s. Over the years, this fertil...

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About Hopkins Farm Brewery

About Us

Located in Havre de Grace, MD, Hopkins Farm Brewery embodies the enduring legacy of the Hopkins family, who have cultivated the land at the intersection of Rider Lane, Level Road (Rt. 155), and Aldino Road since the 1920s. Over the years, this fertile soil has nurtured various agricultural endeavors, from dairy farming to growing grains and fresh produce. Inspired by this rich heritage, the Hopkins family ventured into crafting artisanal brews using their malted barley, leading to the establishment of Hopkins Farm Brewery in 2020.

As a family-owned and operated enterprise, Hopkins Farm Brewery transcends its role as a mere brewery; it serves as a tribute to tradition, innovation, and the profound connection between land and libation. Emphasizing quality and honoring their agricultural origins, the Hopkins family invites visitors to savor their handcrafted brews and discover the distinctive flavors that result from their passion, craftsmanship, and deep-rooted heritage.

Havre de Grace Chamber of Commerce

Havre de Grace Chamber of Commerce

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