Last Call for CARES Act Funding

(Please Note: The following criteria require that the program collect information from persons being served that allow us to report the total numbers of households or persons benefited and the total number of low and moderate-income households or persons benefited, the race of each household or person and the number of female households benefited.)
  •  The activity will have income eligibility requirements which limit the activity exclusively to low and moderate income persons; or
  • The activity will require information on family size and income so that it is evident that at least 51% of the clientele are persons whose family income does not exceed the low and moderate income limit; or
  • The activity will benefit a clientele who are generally presumed to be principally low and moderate-income persons. The following groups are presumed by HUD to meet this criterion: abused children, battered spouses, elderly persons, disabled persons, homeless persons, illiterate persons and migrant farm workers; or
  • The activity will be of such nature and be in such location that it may be concluded that the activities clientele will primarily be low and moderate-income persons.
Madison County (all applicants, no exclusions) Madison County Applications may be requested by email  or phone 618-296-4398

Public Service Applications are now available to read and print. Applications can be submitted on August 17, 2020 through August 24, 2020 at 4:30 PM (CDT), with funds expected to be available in late October 2020. 

No applications will be considered if received after the above referenced submission date. U.S. Postal service or E-mail submissions are highly preferred at this time due to the effects of COVID-19, though alternative options are available. All applications, regardless of submission type, must be received by the deadline to be considered. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Madison County reserves the right to reject any application submitted.
Chamber Connection - August 21, 2020

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