SWIC 2020 Fall Job Fair

  • Once the function is available, all employers will be asked to provide descriptions for positions they are recruiting for. In addition, you will be able to provide links to video conferencing for the day of the fair. 
  • On the day of the fair, employers are expected to hold one-hour slots that include 5-30 minute running presentations to job seekers, as well as the opportunity for job seekers to ask questions. 
  • You may run presentations for the entire 7 hours of the fair. Or, you may choose to conduct presentations and leave some of your time to schedule interviews with candidates. Whatever you choose, each participating company MUST be available to run presentations at least 3 times between 9am-4pm. 


How you will connect with candidates: 

  • Beginning Monday October 12th, SWIC students and alumni will be invited to view employers’ profiles and submit their resumes to opportunities posted. You may begin to contact students and conduct virtual meetings prior to the job fair if you choose. Priority for meeting/interview slots will be given to SWIC students and alumni between October 12th- October 26th.
  • Between October 26th- 30th, employers will be able to update any links, job availability, scheduled running presentation, and additional information on their virtual job fair event profiles.
  • Beginning November 2nd, a downloadable pdf that includes the employer, a list of opportunities available, and a link to connect on the day of the virtual fair will become available to the public. While our job fairs are open to the public, we cannot allow the public to connect with employers through College Central Network because it is to be used by students only. Therefore, the public will only be able to connect with employers through the viewing of presentations. Should you desire to connect with public candidates beyond the scheduled presentation time the day of the job fair, you must provide instructions for contact DURING the scheduled presentation time on November 11th.

Please visit collegecentral.com/swic. We look forward to working with you! Please contact me by email at Latesha.rodgers@swic.edu or (618) 222-5562 with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the fair.

Chamber Connection - copy of September 24, 2020

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