Virtual Roundtable Series:

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect without leaving your office and also get immediate access to export funding via the ISTEP program and the newest CARES Act supplemental funds and become another Southern Illinois export success story!
How to Expand your Global Footprint with Carnets
A Carnet or ATA Carnet is an international customs and temporary export-import document. It is used to clear customs in more than 80 countries and territories without paying duties and import taxes on merchandise that will be re-exported within 12 months, benefiting your company by reducing costs. Carnets are also known as Merchandise Passports or Passports for Goods.  Virtually all goods, including commercial samples, professional equipment, and items for tradeshows and exhibitions, including display booths, are covered by ATA Carnets.
  • Every year, approximately 190,000 ATA Carnets are issued worldwide covering goods valued at US$ 26 billion. 
  • ATA Carnets are widely welcomed by countries wishing to boost international cooperation and take full advantage of the global economy. 
During the Zoom Roundtable you will be able to listen, learn and participate in the Questions & Answers session so you can determine where you can use an ATA Carnet.  Additionally, you will learn about selling the goods that are covered under the ATA Carnet.
Our presenters have experience in all aspects of the ATA Carnet process and administration.  You will learn what benefits and advantages are offered by the use of an ATA Carnet.  We will cover how to apply for an ATA Carnet, and the time to allow from application to granting of the ATA Carnet. Perhaps most importantly behind the advantages of the Carnet, how much does it cost to attain an ATA Carnet.
Relatively new is the eATA, and you will gain valuable insight into the eATA system and how it works.
WHEN:   Thursday, May 20th, 2021. 10:30 am-12 noon
WHERE:  Your computer or phone via Zoom 
Space is limited and registration is required.   Flier Is enclosed.  
Speaker: Kiel Ursin, Boomerang Carnets. Kiel has years of experience in carnet usage, carnet countries, and foreign and domestic Customs Services. His clients include Fortune 500 companies, manufacturers, film productions, symphony orchestras, individuals, and small, medium and large enterprises. He conducts trainings and coaches companies on how ATA Carnets can help grow their business. Kiel is an accomplished ATA Carnet presenter in the U.S. and U.K.
Moderator: Tom Dustman, International Sales Director of Sunnen Products, an international sales executive with 25+ years of experience who serves on the National District Export Council for the Midwest region.   
Questions and to register Send an email to the ITC at with contact information for each member of your organization who will be connecting with us (name, company name, email address, phone number). You will be receiving a confirmation message with a direct link to connect with us via Zoom. 
Note: This webinar is targeted to businesses located in the Southern Illinois region
Single Column- Chamber Newsletter - May 7, 2021

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