Louis Latzer Library Hosts Events

Wednesday, July 19:  (Designed for Birth -Age 3) 
Storytime and Activities with Josie Carman 10:00 a.m.
This is for the very young with the Highland Community Schools Parent Educator.
Enjoy time with your little ones and walk away with ideas to try at home!
Wednesday, July 19: 1:00 p.m. First Latzer Public Safety Day
Under the direction of Police Chief Carole Presson, children will be immersed with our local heroes including the Highland Police Department, the Highland Fire Department, and our local EMTs.  This program will begin inside the library with a story about our important community helpers and then will proceed outdoors, weather permitting.

Wednesday, July 19:  6:00-8:00 p.m.

Dungeons and Dragons continues.
New players are invited to join these groups!  We have a group for beginners and a group for advanced players.  Suggested for ages 9 through adult.

Thursday, July 20:  1:00 p.m. "STEAM"Y Thursday
Let's do science!!!!  Appropriate for school age children.
Thursday, July 20:  6:00 p.m. Louise, the Jersey dairy cow, and her friend, Hannah, will be making a stop at Latzer Library to share about how milk goes from the farm to the consumer.  This is brought to you by the St. Louis District Dairy Council and Madison County CAREE.
This Fitness Friday will take place at the Highland Weinheimer from 10:00-11:00 a.m.!
If you would like to learn about this fabulous game that is sweeping the interest of all or are seeking new tips and pointers, join us for this event!  This program will be led by local professional Pickleball players.
Friday, July 21:  Meet us at PBJ on the Square 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Remember, Summer Reading logs must be turned in to the Children's Desk by Friday, July 28, 4:30 p.m.  
(These Summer Reading logs MAY NOT be placed in the book drop.)  Happy Reading!!!!



Single Column- Chamber Newsletter - July 13, 2023

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