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Smart Growth
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Central Catskills Collaborative Smart Growth

The Central Catskills have retained the beauty and charm that have attracted visitors and residents to the region for generations. The qualities and patterns of this landscape – the closely knit hamlets with their mixed uses, sidewalks, and historic architecture; the surrounding forests and clean waterways with their recreational opportunities; and the open, rolling farmland  – exhibit many of the principles of “smart growth”.  Smart-growth principles and actions are used by land-use planners to assist communities in keeping their “sense of place” and offsetting the effects of suburban sprawl. Terms related to smart growth include “quality communities”, “traditional neighborhood development”, and “new urbanism.”

In recognition and support of the special qualities of the Central Catskills Region, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation has made $500,000 available for capital improvements to communities along the Route 28 Corridor, from the town of Olive to the town of Andes. ( The six communities have proposed projects that will enrich the hamlets and interpret the area’s unique resources. In coming together to form the Central Catskills Collaborative and work as a team, the communities are exercising another important tenet of “smart growth”: intermunicipal cooperation.

Phoenicia - Then

Phoenicia - Now

Village of Margaretville