Alexander Custom Homes

Alexander Custom Homes

Kent comes from a long line of builders, with both his father and grandfathers dedicating their lives to construction and contracting. Together, they accumulated 45 years of experience in the construction industry, laying a ...

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About Alexander Custom Homes

About Us

Alexander Custom Homes

Kent comes from a long line of builders, with both his father and grandfathers dedicating their lives to construction and contracting. Together, they accumulated 45 years of experience in the construction industry, laying a strong foundation of knowledge, craftsmanship, and pride in their work.

Today, Kent and his siblings are proud to continue that legacy, bringing generations of expertise to the modern world of custom home building. With a deep respect for tradition and a commitment to excellence, they carry on the family name by creating homes that reflect the skills and values passed down through the years.

Monett Area Chamber of Commerce

Monett Area Chamber of Commerce

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