Directory Search Results
1 match was found for Museum
Martin Auto Museum, Inc.
Mel Martin
17641 North Black Canyon
Phoenix, AZ 85023
Fax: 602-971-4836
Member Since: 2013
Listed in: Museum
Created in 2005, the MARTIN AUTO MUSEUM is the brainchild of owner and founder Mel Martin. Mel saw a need to share a collection of vehicles that represent significant periods in automotive history. At the MARTIN AUTO MUSEUM, visitors can view history through the decades in this vast collection. There are a number of race cars and one-of-a-kind vehicles to excite any automotive, art or history enthusiast. In addition to the collection, there is meeting space available for groups of up to 120. Consider a visit to the MARTIN AUTO MUSEUM for your next special event! Please call us to schedule your event planning session.
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