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My Chiropractor Health and Wellness Centers
Dr. Greg Muchnij
Clinical Director
4550 E Bell Rd., Bldg #8, Suite #284
Phoenix, AZ 85032
Member Since: 2019
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Dr. Greg Muchnij A different kind of chiropractor. Dr. Greg Muchnij doesn?t have a lot of hobbies. His lifework is his hobby. Greg knew when he was just 15 years old that he wanted to help people in pain. He was always focused on healing, in his professional life and in his personal life. A student of science, mathematics, psychology, and philosophy, Greg Muchnij is an avid reader and a lifetime scholar. He has dedicated his life to finding new and better ways to relieve and manage pain for his many thousands of patients. A joyful, caring family man with a quick smile, Dr. Greg always sees the proverbial glass as half full. Muchnij is also highly kinesthetic...meaning he can feel, sense and identify spinal disorders before others can. Patients say that Greg has ?an inner sense of knowing,? an intuitive, precognitive ability to understand the nervous system and guide people to a more healthful, pain-free lifestyle. A natural healer, patients swear that Dr. Greg has the touch. For more than 30 years, Dr. Muchnij has helped literally thousands of people, ranging from newborn babies to senior citizens. He improves the quality of health and the quality of life for his patients through gentle, low force, light-touch chiropractic techniques. His treatments are gentle enough to treat an infant. And effective enough to heal a linebacker. Attending Wayne State University for his undergraduate studies, Dr. Greg earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He also earned an advanced certification from the Spine Research Institute in San Diego, California. Dr. Muchnij is the winner of the B.J. Palmer Philosophy Award, and has an advanced certification in treating motor vehicle injuries. Greg Muchnij?s philosophy of life? To leave each patient healthier and better off than when they first walked in the door. When he?s not working, reading or researching, Greg Muchnij enjoys the, theater and dance, the great outdoors, as well as sports, which he calls ?The expression of skill at the highest level.? A devoted family man, Greg and his lovely wife Patricia have been married for 30-plus years, have three children and two grandchildren. Both as a man and a doctor, Greg Muchnij is constantly working to better himself and improve the lives of others.
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