Pilots for Christ

About Pilots for Christ

Pilots for Christ is a non-profit organization, that aims to glorify God by promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ through flying missions of mercy during a families most critical time of need. Although not an air ambulance, PFC is blessed to be one of the few in the nation whose aircraft is equipped with a stretcher. PFC provides this service free of charge. Pilots must meet stringent professional aviation guidelines and uphold high Christian principles and values.

We believe our ministry is essential to our area and we are called by God to help fulfill this need as we depend solely on His provision and protection. The funds we receive to support PFC, come from individuals, churches, civic organizations, and businesses. We do not receive any government funding, nor are we reimbursed by insurance.

Here's What We Offer

Pilots for Christ is a proud member of

Monroeville-Monroe County Marketplace

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