How to burglar proof your windows!!!!!

The majority of devices mentioned here cost very little. All of them will help reduce burglary and make your house or apartment more secure.
Begin with a home "security" check. Start with the front door and work clockwise around the entire inside of your home, finishing with the back yard, fence and shrubs, gates and garage.

Shrubbery should never block the view of your front door. This allows an intruder the opportunity of privacy to gain entrance. A wide angle viewer in the door lets you know your visitor in advance. This item is recommended over a chain lock.

A DEAD-LATCH is an inexpensive lock set which keeps the burglar from simply slipping your door open with a plastic credit card. This method of entry is common in many areas, but very easy to prevent.

Auxiliary Deadbolt: 1" deadbolt, single cylinder with hardened cylinder guard, and thumb turn.
For extra security, a single cylinder dead bolt lock, with one inch throw and case-hardened insert, is recommended for all exterior doors. If you have easily breakable glass within 40 inches of a deadbolt lock, it should be augmented with a stronger type of glass or plastic to provide adequate security.

Most police departments do not recommend double deadbolt locks for residential use. You may be adding additional security at the expense of personal safety with a double cylinder dead bolt. For example, you could lock yourself in and not be able to escape in case of fire or other emergency.

The Rim Lock: 1" dead bolt lock which is installed on the inside surface of the door. It is less expensive than other typed of locks, but equally effective for security.

The Greater North Miami Beach Newsletter - copy of The Greater North Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Ne

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