Career Education Associates of North Central Illinois (CEANCI)

About Career Education Associates of North Central Illinois (CEANCI)

The north central Illinois EFE region administrative organization is the Career Education Associates of North Central Illinois, known as CEANCI, organized in 1987. CEANCIs mission is to prepare and invest in all students for career and college through partnerships that build innovative regional opportunities.

The State of Illinois is divided into Education for Employment (EFE) regions which direct the states Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs at a local level. The CEANCI region covers 1,075 square miles, and provides support to over 17,000 students 9-12 graders and more than 200 certified high school staff. 

CEANCI is governed by a Board of Governors comprised of superintendents from each member district. At present, nine local public school districts are members of this cooperative joint agreement. Member districts include: Belvidere CUSD 100, Harlem UD 122, North Boone CUSD 200, Rockford SD 205, Hononegah CHD 207, Meridian CUSD 223, Byron CUSD 226, South Beloit SD 320, and Winnebago CUSD 323. 

The System provides regional career and technical programming among its members, supports career and technical programming at member high schools, collects and reports data to the Illinois State Board of Education, acts as the flow-through of federal and state resources, and markets career and technology education throughout the region. Career and technical programming in the region is provided in the occupational clusters of agriculture, business and information technology, family and consumer sciences, health occupations and industrial/technical occupations.

Here's What We Offer

Career Education Associates of North Central Illinois (CEANCI) is a proud member of

The Parks Chamber of Commerce

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