Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful

About Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful

Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful (KNIB) is an award-winning, non-governmental, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to educating and involving individuals in productive solutions that keep our community environment clean and green.

An affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and Keep Illinois Beautiful since 1988, Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful has been engaged in educating, developing public awareness, and providing service to the residents of Winnebago and Boone Counties with regard to the abatement of litter, the preservation of our local resources, and the management of solid waste.

Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful works with businesses, schools, neighborhood groups and local governments to enhance our neighborhoods, and to use, reuse, and recycle our worlds resources for future generations.

Mission: To improve our environment through education, public awareness, and community involvement.

Volunteers are necessary and welcome to help execute our programs. We encourage individuals, groups, and families to volunteer their time to give back to our community.

Here's What We Offer

Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful is a proud member of

The Parks Chamber of Commerce

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