Stellas Crepes

Little did I anticipate that June 23, 2018, would mark the final occasion on which I would partake in an outing alongside my Aunt Gale. Throughout our time together, we embarked on numerous ventures, accompanied by laughter that echoed through our sh...

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About Stellas Crepes

About Us

Little did I anticipate that June 23, 2018, would mark the final occasion on which I would partake in an outing alongside my Aunt Gale. Throughout our time together, we embarked on numerous ventures, accompanied by laughter that echoed through our shared experiences. She held the esteemed position of being my closest companion and trusted confidant. I distinctly recall her expressing, "Carole, we must visit this extraordinary establishment—it exudes charm and offers delectable crepes served from a vintage trailer." Gale, Mary, and I ventured forth, and true to her word, the place surpassed all expectations. The crepes proved to be an absolute delight, and the ambiance was nothing short of remarkable. My heart yearned to revisit that enchanting locale with Gale and Mary. Regrettably, fate had a different plan, as Gale succumbed to cancer almost a year later. She dedicated the majority of her remaining time to hospitals and care facilities. Fortunately, I managed to visit her frequently, ensuring that each encounter was infused with significance. We shared laughter, engaged in discussions on a wide array of subjects, but above all, we cherished and embraced each passing moment.

In 2020, I acquired a vintage trailer with the intention of transforming it into my mobile haven, akin to that of a wanderer captivated by the wind's whims. Originally, my plan involved traversing the country in pursuit of new experiences. However, inspiration struck me, compelling me to convert the trailer into a quaint creperie. The challenge that lay ahead was christening this establishment. Guided by my aunt's teachings of fearlessness, I assumed the persona of Stella whenever I stepped onto the stage to perform stand-up comedy. As Stella, apprehension had no power over me. Thus, Stella's Crepes came into being.

My aspiration is to share the culinary wonders I create with individuals from all walks of life. I yearn to bestow upon them the same profound encounter I had the privilege of sharing with my aunt. It is my sincerest hope that as you relish each bite of our crepes and immerse yourself in the ambiance we offer, you too will seize the opportunity to treasure the presence of your loved ones. Embrace them tightly, creating countless cherished memories together.

Payson Santaquin Area Chamber of Commerce

Payson Santaquin Area Chamber of Commerce

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