Press Releases

Chamber Works Smarter

Using technology to enhance services

March 4, 2008 (Irwindale, CA)-The Chamber of Commerce brand is one of the most valuable online sources for local information and promotion of its membership. In order to take full advantage and leverage this powerful online position, a Chamber must have the latest technology built-in to their web presence. Realizing this, the Irwindale Chamber of Commerce invested in a complete new system that eliminates duplicate databases, streamlines procedures and minimizes errors. This system allows the board of directors and staff to analyze and track participation levels for networking and educational programs to better evaluate chamber services. In addition, the system incorporates a new website with features such as to access the business directory and calendar of events on a cell phone via the internet, online event registration, classified ads and so much more.

This new system has extraordinary member benefits as well. Chamber members can easily edit their own business information, post events on the calendar and place a special offer with an online coupon. Members also have a webpage available to them where they can add photos, video, a location map and a list of services they provide. Chair of the Board, Marissa Buckisch states “We are thrilled to be the first chamber in the region to have such an innovative website. These features will increase traffic to our web site and result in more exposure for our members.” A complete list of features and benefits can be found at by clicking on the Member e-Benefits link.

Submitted: 03/04/08
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