Headlight Herald

The Tillamook Headlight was founded on June 8, 1888 by C.E. Wilson and editor J.E. Edwards. The first issue was published on a Friday and consisted of eight pages, four of which were filled with local news and ads. The other four pages were filled wi...

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About Headlight Herald

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The Tillamook Headlight was founded on June 8, 1888 by C.E. Wilson and editor J.E. Edwards. The first issue was published on a Friday and consisted of eight pages, four of which were filled with local news and ads. The other four pages were filled with national advertising and general interest news.
The reason for the national ads was simple: Newsprint already printed on one side was the least expensive way for a publisher to get newsprint and attract readers. The ads promised cures for catarrh (stuffy noses), hay fever, piles, sore throats, lost manhood, etc. And the articles covered such topics as ways to earn a living, tales of success and failure, humorous yarns and excerpts from other newspapers.
Later in 1888, Wilson went bankrupt and reportedly left the county owing a lot of people money. One creditor, Theodore Steinhilber, took over the newspaper and formed a partnership with George W. Petit, owner of the Occidental Hotel and Livery Stables. The Headlight, together with its commercial printing business, became financially stable, and became the newspaper of record for Tillamook County settlers and timber interests. Steinhilber's motto was published weekly below the nameplate: "Be honest, be just, and fear not. Hew to the line, and let the chips fall where they may."

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