Advanced Spinal Care

About Advanced Spinal Care

We at Advanced Spinal Care have been serving Spanish Fork and the surrounding communities for the past 5 years. We are fully committed to helping our patients achieve their health care goals. In this pursuit, we have helped thousands of patients get out of pain and back to their lives. Our friendly and knowledgeable doctors and staff will be there for you throughout this process, answering questions, listening to your concerns, and making sure your needs are being met.

We are devoted to providing the most advanced, proven treatments to our patients. Our commitment is to get our patients better faster, stay healthy longer, and allow them to get back to a life without limitations.

At Advanced Spinal Care, we utilize the latest advancements in chiropractic care. The first of which is a tool to perform spinal adjustments called the Proadjuster. This provides a less invasive approach to adjusting your neck and back without cracking and popping. We use this technique along with traditional chiropractic treatments in order to achieve the most accurate, effective, and comfortable experience possible. Proadjuster’s revolutionary technology has received a patient satisfaction of over 92 percent.

In addition, we use revolutionary rehabilitation technology called MedX that allows us to isolate and strengthen key muscles along the spine for better and longer-lasting results, which decrease the likelihood of re-occurrences. Out of the patients who complete the MedX rehabilitation program, 94 percent of them continue to feel good one year after finishing care.

We will work closely with your family doctor for a more comprehensive treatment of your spinal health. Due to our unique approach to care, we have gained the trust and respect of many of the local NDs and medical clinics. They entrust us with their patients; we are committed to upholding our end of this relationship and giving our patients the best possible care.

Our office specializes in all-around care by using multiple therapeutic options including massage therapy, physical therapy, spinal rehabilitation, and advanced chiropractic care in order to address all aspects of the spine. Because of this unique approach to spinal health, we have been able to get results others cannot.

Thank you for entrusting us with your health. We look forward to serving you and vow to do our best to exceed your expectations.

Yours for better health,

Dr. Brent N. Wall & Dr. Steven E. Davis Chiropractic Physicians

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