Red River Dental

Red River Dental

At Red River Dental, we believe that a great smile starts with great care. Located at 1416 Central Ave NE in East Grand Forks, MN, our practice is dedicated to providing the highest quality dentistry with a blend of cutting-edge t...

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About Red River Dental

About Us

Red River Dental

At Red River Dental, we believe that a great smile starts with great care. Located at 1416 Central Ave NE in East Grand Forks, MN, our practice is dedicated to providing the highest quality dentistry with a blend of cutting-edge techniques and a friendly touch. Led by Dr. Garret Thorlakson, we are committed to ensuring you experience a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles. We strive to earn your trust and build a lifelong relationship with you, offering a welcoming environment where you feel comfortable and cared for.

Our core values are Quality, Transparency, and Empathy. When Dr. Thorlakson founded Red River Dental, his vision was to create more than just a dental practice — he aimed to establish a dental home for life. We believe that great dental care is built on trust, and we are here not only to give you a healthy smile but also to ensure you feel valued and understood throughout your dental journey. Join our dental family and discover the exceptional care and commitment that sets us apart. Schedule an appointment with your new East Grand Forks dentist today and take the first step toward a brighter, healthier smile.

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The Chamber of Commerce GF/EGF

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