Vernal Sheriff's Office Offers Drug Disposal Box
"Latest news on the Chamber"

Anonymous Drug Disposal Available in Vernal

Press Release: The Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce Conservation Issues Committee has been involved in getting this program started and moving forward with public awareness.


A drop box has been installed in the new Uintah County Public Safety Building at 641 E. 300 S. in Vernal for residents to safely dispose of unused prescription drugs.

This provides an anonymous, easy and environmentally safe way to dispose of unwanted prescription drugs that are currently in your home.

In the past, individuals have disposed of drugs in a variety of ways, including flushing them down the toilet, which allows them to enter the water system and presents hazards to humans and wildlife downstream.
The collection box will also keep the drugs out of the hands of individuals who may use them in an unsafe or unlawful manner.

The Drug Collection box is located just inside the main entrance doors to the right. It was made available as a result of a grant, which provided funding to purchase the box. All items should be placed in a plastic zip-loc style bag, sealed, and placed into the box. Please, no liquids unless they are well sealed, and syringes can be placed into the red, clearly labeled sharps container on top of the box. Remember, the Drug Disposal Box is anonymous; you will not have to disclose any information when utilizing it. The box is emptied at regular intervals and the contents are safely incinerated.

If you have any questions regarding the Drug Disposal Box, please contact John Laursen, Public Information Officer, at the Uintah County Sheriff’s office, 435-789-2511.


Chamber Chat - Vernal Sheriff's Office Offers Drug Disposal Box

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