News Items - Benton / West City Area Chamber of Commerce.
Benton Gazette Opens New Benton Office on West Main
BENTON – The Benton Gazette (A subsidiary of C&R Media) has moved into a new office building, located at 104 West Main in Benton.

The new location is directly across the street from fellow Chamber members Seasonings Bistro and H&R Block Tax Services. 

The move was finalized in late January as Gazette staff members relocated from their former location on West Washington Street. The new location, unlike the former office, is ground-floor only, and has no long narrow staircase for customers to climb. The new office is easily accessible to the public, and includes customer parking and a wheelchair ramp near the back entrance.

Everything else besides the physical location will remain the same however; same phone-number [618-438-NEWS] same delivery-date (Thursday), same low price ($45 for Benton residents for a year’s subscription, $55 for out of town customers), and most importantly—the same commitment to quality community reporting.
The Gazette staff includes Editor William McPherson, Content Manager Jeremy Ellis, and Publisher Rick Campbell.  C&R Media, the parent company of the Benton Gazette, is currently offering rentable office space inside the new Gazette office building. For more information, stop by or call the Gazette at the phone number listed above.

Published: 02/14/18