2nd Annual Miss Hub Of The Universe Pageant

Event starts at 1:00 PM
Event Type(s)
Member Event
Event Description

Age Divisions
_____Petite Miss – 5 to 6 Years ($75 entry fee)
_____Junior Miss – 7 to 9 Years ($75 entry fee)
_____Preteen Miss – 10 to 12 Years ($75 entry fee)
_____Teen Miss – 13 to 16 Years ($75 entry fee)
_____Miss Hub of the Universe – 17 to 22 Years ($100 entry fee)
_____Optional Photogenic ($20 entry fee)

Rules And Information
1. There will be five age divisions in the pageant that are listed above. Age divisions are subject to change and at the discretion of the pageant director, based on number of entries.
2. Contestants will compete in the areas of private interview with the judges, on stage contestant introduction, expressive wear model (ages 5 to 16) or fitness/active wear model (ages 17 to 22), formal model, and on stage question. Examples of expressive wear model are outfits that express the contestant’s personality, talent, or hobbies such as a sports uniform, dance outfit, etc. Short dresses will be worn for on stage contestant introductions.
3. Private interviews with the judges will be scheduled by age division the morning of the pageant. The times will be posted at least a week before pageant day.
4. There will be an optional photogenic competition for each age group. A winner will be awarded for the photogenic category in each age group.
5. Photogenic photos will be submitted online to the pageant director and will be uploaded to the Facebook event page and judged online. Photos can be professional, snap shot, black and white, or sepia. Photogenic awards will be given out during the age group awards ceremony.
6. The winner of each age division will be awarded a cash prize, crown, sash, and trophy. Runner ups will also be awarded cash prizes in the Miss age division.
7. The pageant will begin at 1:00, with contestant introductions first, followed by expressive wear or fitness active wear model, and formal model last. Contestants will compete in order of ages youngest to oldest.
8. All contestants will need to arrive to register and check in at a scheduled time. There are restrooms and a changing area available to change clothes.
9. A photo of the contestant should also be submitted to the director for the purpose of online display on the event page when the entry fee is paid. This does not have to be the same photo as your photogenic entry photo.
10. Entry fees are listed on the entry form. Entry fees can be paid online with Venmo or Cash App. Entries will be accepted until March 19, 2023. No entries will be accepted after March 19, 2023 NO EXCEPTIONS!
11. Unsportsmanlike conduct and drama will not be tolerated. The pageant director has the authority to reject an entry due to this behavior or ask spectators or contestants to leave the premises. Contestants and their parents are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times.
12. This pageant will be held on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 1:00 pm, at The Pavilion in Marion.
13. Each contestant will be required to sell a minimum of 10 raffle tickets at $10.00 each. You may sell more than 10 tickets. Ticket money and names and phone numbers of those who purchased tickets must be turned in to the pageant director no later than Sunday, March 26, 2023.
14. We will be partnering with and raising money at the pageant for the charity, Fighting Cancer Today. Each contestant will submit a photo to the pageant director for a People’s Choice award that will be given in each age group and determined by whoever collects the most money. Money will be collected at the pageant in containers and contestants will also be able to collect money ahead of time for this award. All of the money collected will be donated to Fighting Cancer Today.
15. There will be a $5.00 admission fee at the pageant. Children under the age of 10 years old, contestants, and visiting royalty will be admitted free.
16. Winners of this pageant will have the opportunity to participate in community service activities, special events, and local parades.
17. There will be no refunds on entry fees unless this pageant is canceled. Pageant postponement, rescheduling, sickness, emergencies, etc. does not constitute a refund. NO EXCEPTIONS!
There is additional information for the Miss contestants. Please contact us for this additional information. 

1602 Sioux Drive
Marion, Il 62959

click here for Google Maps
Contact Person
The Pavillion
(phone: (618) 993-2657)