Newmont Cripple Creek and Victor Gold Mine Q3 Open House
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Mountain
Event Type(s)
Community Event Calendar
Member Event
Event Description
We are excited to extend an invitation to our Q3 Community Open House at the Victor Lowell Thomas Museum on Thursday, August 29th! This is an opportunity for the site team to engage with you directly, answer questions, and gather feedback. The Victor Lowell Thomas Museum is located at 298 Victor Ave, Colorado 80860​
At Newmont CC&V we recognize that transparent communication with our community members is essential for building a strong, collaborative relationship. Your presence at this event is highly valued, and we look forward to seeing you all there.
Setting: In-Person
Victor Lowell Thomas Museum
298 Victor Ave, Colorado 80860
Victor, CO 80860

click here for Google Maps
Contact Person
Shelby Mullin
(phone: 7193097343)

Please join us on Thursday, August 29th from 5:00pm - 6:00pm at the Victor Lowell Thomas Museum for our Q3 Community Open House. In striving to be a good community partner and to keep you informed about our mining operations, CC&V representatives will be available to answer questions on the following topics: Amendment 14, Reclamation, Community Investment, Legacy Fund, and ongoing Social Performance initiatives.

We value your presence at this event, as this is a great opportunity to ask CC&V representatives any related questions.

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