The Community Impact Fund
It’s sometimes difficult to make a difference in our communities, not because we don’t want to, but because we don’t know how. By downloading the free Community Impact Fund app, you can make a difference in your neighborhood simply by shopping at your favorite restaurants and stores. A percentage of your purchase automatically goes to your own personal impact fund. You're in control of how these funds get deployed into your community and you get the opportunity to see the exact use of your funds as well as the impact generated.
William Smith
New Era Group at Your Castle Real Estate
William Smith became active in real estate in 2003 and is licensed in Colorado and Illinois. Negotiating the purchase or sale of real estate requires experience and swift diligence to successfully reach the closing table. His goal is to consult with clients and help them achieve their dreams. William possesses an extensive network of all the local professionals such as inspectors, lenders, and attorney’s that make the process as smooth as possible.
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