Taste Some Fabulous Wine and Support a Great Cause!
Saturday, October 20
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Castle Pines HOA #2 Clubhouse
7306 Oxford Drive
Castle Pines, CO 80108
Join the Castle Pines Arts & Cultural Foundation as they welcome Terri Jones, a wine professional with over 10 years experience in the California Central Coast Wine Industry. She loves teaching everyone from novice wine drinkers to the most experienced about different wines and will discuss topics ranging from flavor to aromas to mouth feel. She'll also sprinkle her presentation with fun tidbits about the wine industry!
This will be a fun, casual evening, and you'll sample and learn about approximately six different wines. There will also be an opportunity to purchase wines, sold through One Hope Wineries, an organization which supports numerous charities.
Attendees may purchase half cases at a 10% discount and full cases at a 20% discount!
A portion of the proceeds will support opportunities for arts, sciences and cultural activities in the greater Castle Pines community.
Fall Into a Fab Three-Course Harvest Meal with Seasons 52!
Celebrate National Orthodontic Health Month with Brandon Linn Orthodontics!
Come Out and Play During Oktoberfest at The Ridge With Great Discounts!
Give Blood Drive to Support Children's Hospital!
Thursday, October 8
8:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Please join Lowen Commercial Real Estate, LLC for a
Blood Drive to Benefit Children's Hospital!
Village Square Drive across from the Castle Pines Library.