October 16, 2018
Chamber Insider

Mark Your Calendar!

Premier Referral Group
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM 
Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce
482 West Happy Canyon Road
Castle Pines, CO 80108

Elite Referral Group
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM 
Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce
482 West Happy Canyon Road
Castle Pines, CO 80108

Ambassadors Meeting
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 
Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce
482 West Happy Canyon Road
Castle Pines, CO 80108

Premier Referral Group
12:15 PM - 01:30 PM 
Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce
482 West Happy Canyon Road
Castle Pines, CO 80108

Feature Your Fall or Halloween Event in This Thursday's Community Email Blast!

Do you have a Fall or Halloween event you'd like to promote to our community email blast recipients? 

If so, please contact Stacie:
stacie@castlepineschamber.com by Wednesday, October 17 to find out more details.

Thank you!

New Offering - Member to Member Discounts - This Week's Discount Features Lars Federhar and Alternative Travel Services!

Support your business AND your fellow Castle Pines Chamber members with Member to Member discounts!

Lars Federhar, owner of Alternative Travel Services, is offering a $40 discount for any travel booked by a  Castle Pines Chamber member!

If you're interested in offering Castle Pines Chamber members a discount for your business, please contact Stacie: stacie@castlepineschamber.com.


Social Media Workshop: Learning to Listen to Keep the Pulse of Your Audience!

Thursday, October 18
9:00-10:15 a.m.
The Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce
482 West Happy Canyon Road

What you'll learn:

What is social listening?

Why is listening to your audience important?

Learn how to implement a social listening strategy to keep up with your audience.


Welcome New Member Lori Soechtig of Aflac!

As an Aflac agent, Lori helps businesses retain and attract employees by providing supplemental benefits should a financial crisis occur due to an accident or illness. Employers can offer this at little or no cost, and doing so helps them remain competitive in this tight job market. Lori so believes in what she does, and Aflac has helped families get through financial burdens caused by unforeseen health issues. Lori is proud to represent this company and offer a meaningful way to help people!

Special Thanks to our Patron's Circle Members!

We couldn't do what we do without YOU!

Join us for the Official Launch of Lisa Storey's Roux World Kitchen TONIGHT!

Tuesday, October 16
5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
556 Village Square Lane
Castle Pines, CO
Ribbon Cutting promptly at 5:30 p.m.

Come celebrate the opening of Roux World Kitchen, formerly MaMa Lisa's Little Italy. Don't miss Lisa's amazing creations - fantastic food and drinks will be served so come network, socialize and celebrate with us!


The Most Challenging BAH of the Year is at Castle Rock Adventure Park TOMORROW NIGHT!

Wednesday, October 17th
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Join us at Castle Rock Adventure Park at the Phillip S Miller Park in Castle Rock! You can test your aerial prowess on their ropes course and have food, drinks, networking and fun!

This BAH was a BLAST last year. You don't want to miss this one!

1375 W. Plum Creek Parkway 
Castle Rock, CO 80109


Children and families are welcome to attend, please register anyone who plans to come!

Everyone's Invited to Participate in Trick or Treat Street!


Special thanks to our Presenting Sponsor:


Nominations are Open for the Castle Pines Chamber's Annual Member Awards!

Nominate your follow Castle Pines Chamber members for:

* Large Company of the Year (10+ employees) *

* Small Company of the Year (under 10 employees) *

* Non-Profit Company of the Year *

* Business Person of the Year *

* Community Member of the Year *

Contact Amy: amy@castlepineschamber.com with nominations!
Chamber Insider - October 16, 2018