April 14, 2020
Chamber Insider

Mark Your Calendar!

Free Social Media Training - Building a Branding Sheet for Business and Social Media Success
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Zoom Video Conference

Elite Referral Group
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Zoom Video Conference

Join Us For a Free Social Media Training!


Topic: Building a Branding Sheet for Business and Social Media Success

Description:  In this workshop participants will learn the What, Why, and How of the power of a 100% completed Branding Sheet. In addition, to the What, Why, and How participants will also learn Where this information goes on your digital presence.  ​

Thusday, April 16 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 619 900 020


Mayor's April Message and Resources

We know that you are getting a TON of COVID-19 resource links sent to you daily, but in addition to the Chamber's resource page, the City also has a useful page and video messages with additional information for individuals and businesses.

Click HERE for the Mayor's April Message​

Click HERE to access the City's page. 

How To Support Small Businesses - Thinking Outside the Wallet

Wishing you Safety and Good Health. Protect Yourself and Others! Here is the Latest News From The Tri-County Health Department

The Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce cares about business and the health of our members, friends and family members.

Please click the link below regarding current health related news and information about our current stay at home order. Be well! 


Save The Date! Race Through The Pines Will Be Held on September 12!


The Race Through The Pines 5K Race and Kids Color Dash will be held at Elk Ridge Park on Saturday, September 12! This year the 5K will be a timed race! It will be fun for the whole family! 

Be In The Know! Opt-In To Receive Chamber Text Alerts and Information!


Now you can receive up to date info about upcoming Chamber events and opportunities in the palm of your hand!

Text CPMEMBER to 57838 to be in the know! 

Follow Us!

Want to be in the know about current Chamber news and events? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram! 


Are You Open for Business? Let Us Know So We Can Promote You!

Creative Commerce

We know these are VERY challenging times for small and local businesses and we want to continue to help! In addition to providing resources, we are developing a directory of all businesses who are open for business either virtually or who offer curbside delivery, online shopping options etc..

To be added to our Distance Socially, Support Locally Page please click the link below. 


We Are Thankful For Stories of Support and Kindness During These Challenging Times!

We LOVE these stories of help and support during this challenging health and economic crisis.  Check out what some of our members are doing to support each other! 


The Castle Pines Rotary Club generously donated $3,000 to the Help and Hope Center on March 30th  to support thier efforts to help provide food and supplies to our neighbors in need. We are so thankful that the Castle Pines Rotary is a member and we are in full support of their mission to help those in need in our community! ​

In the last month Hide in Plain Sight has worked with 7 of the Douglas County School District schools who have the highest percentage of free meals, meaning the students are either homeless or live in poverty, with $15,000 in King Soopers gift cards equaling 150 cards worth $100 each.

Last week Hide in Plain Sight and Future of School distributed $9,000 to 4 schools in the Douglas County School District to help with Chrome tablets. 

To donate to their Remote Learning Relief Fund, please click HEREIt is so amazing to see two of our non-profit members working together to achieve amazing things for students and youth in Castle Pines and the surrounding areas! 

Chamber member Sarah Philips with Compass Real Estate is holding a Virtual Food Drive for the Help and Hope Center. Here is the link to donate: https://www.helpandhopecenter.org/donate/
Way to go Sarah! 

Minuteman Press in Castle Rock launched BounceBackCastleRock.com to offer free services to help support all of their neighboring businesses as they find a way to work together through these trying times. 

First, they are distributing COVID-19 awareness and prevention posters at no charge to any business in the Castle Rock area. 

Second, they are providing free local advertising on our BounceBackCastleRock.com site to stimulate business and help all of their neighbors overcome the tremendous economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  They truly believe that a rising tide will lift all ships, and they want to make sure our communities stay afloat. ​
Way to go Greg Anderson and Minuteman Press!

The Castle Pines Chamber is Here To Help Today, Tomorrow and In the Future!


Currently, the Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce is operating virtually but we are here to serve you and we are available to support you in any way that we can. Please click on the link above for resources and information to help you and your business during this challenging time.
We will get through this together! 


The City of Castle Pines and The Chamber are Keeping Businesses in Mind

Special Thanks to our Patron's Circle Members!

We couldn't do what we do without YO
Chamber Insider - April 14, 2020