May 12, 2020
Chamber Insider

Mark Your Calendar

Elite Referral Group
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Virtual Meeting

Lunch and Learn - What is Business New Normal After COVID-19?
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual Meeting

Elite Referral Group
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Virtual Meeting

Ambassadors Meeting
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Virtual Meeting

Lunch and Learn - Building Profit in a Pandemic Economy
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual Meeting

Join Us for a Free Webinar - Building a Profit In a Pandemic Economy

Lunch and Learn
Building a Profit in a Pandemic Economy

Thursday, June 4, 2020
 11:00 AM to Noon

Things have changed. Now, your business must adapt to the new pandemic economy to continue to grow.

In this course, you will learn simple adjustments to
make to your message and marketing that will bring customers to your business.

Leave the course with a checklist for marketing to your ideal client now.

Course taught by our newest member - Pam Foley


Calling All Members! Have You Advertised In Our Thursday E-Blast Lately?


Did you know that you have the opportunity to promote your business in our Thursday e-blast twice per quarter? 

Send ANY size ad (JPEG,PDF or PNG) and we will include it! 

Please send all ads to

Helpful Hint: Ads that include a discount, call to action or deal work the best! 

As always, we are happy to market and promote your business!


This is the FINAL Week to Play Takeout Bingo For a Chance To Win $150 To Your Favorite Castle Pines Restaurant!

Join the fun! Support local businesses by playing Takeout Bingo and for a chance to win $150 gift card to your favorite restaurant in Castle Pines.

Start playing today! Click HERE for the rules and to download your Bingo Card.

Hiring? Post Your Positions On the Chamber Website!

While we know many businesses are struggling during these unprecedented times, there are also some who are hiring and we want to help get the word out to people searching for employment.  
To post a job, simply follow these steps to advertise it to the community:

1. Go to
2. Select the "discover" tab
3. Select the "job and volunteer board" tab
4. Select "submit your positing here" tab
5. Populate the posting with your specific information

It's an easy way to promote your job and volunteer needs to the community! 

Be In The Know! Opt-In To Receive Chamber Text Alerts and Information!


Now you can receive up to date info about upcoming Chamber events and opportunities in the palm of your hand!

Text CPMEMBER to 57838 to be in the know! 

Follow Us!

Want to be in the know about current Chamber news and events? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram! 


Thank you To Our Members!


Dear Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce Members,

We recognize and understand the challenges facing you as our members, and we are
 committed to helping navigate this shared journey.

At this time, we just want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have remained committed to the Chamber through your support and membership. Our organization is remaining strong because of you and together we will tackle our current challenges and ensure not only that we will get through this, but that we will thrive. 

We cannot wait to be able to see you in person in the future, but until then, we will continue to offer resources, trainings and marketing/promotion opportunities to support you! 

Thank you again for your membership and your support of the Chamber so that we, in turn, can further our mission to support YOU! 

Tina Hansen, Executive Director

Please Join The Town Hall Call Presented by Douglas County and the Tri-County Health Department This Wednesday!


The County Commissioners and representatives from Tri-County Health will provide updates and take your questions about the safer-at-home order and progress on safely reopening the County’s economy on Wednesday, May 13 at 5:30 p.m.

At the time of the event, watch on their webpage, or listen in by calling 833-380-0668

Questions will be taken by phone (press *3 after calling) and on their webpage (question feature appears once the event starts).  Listen or view previous Telephone Town Halls here.

Support Local Businesses! Shop The Chamber in 2020!

Whether you are operating virtually or in person, the Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to supporting safe commerce now and in the future. 

As a Castle Pines Chamber member, you have the opportunity to post a 2020 deal/discount that will run for the entire year on our website. 


Join us For a Free Webinar With Dr. Michelle Post

Lunch and Learn
What is Business "New Normal" After COVID-19

Thursday, May 21, 2020
 11:00 AM to Noon

Grab your favorite lunch at home and join us for our May virtual Lunch and Learn webinar.

Dr. Michelle Post will present information and tips on how to operate your business to adapt to the new way to do business now and in the future. 


Are You Open for Business? Let Us Know So We Can Promote You!

Creative Commerce

We know these are VERY challenging times for small and local businesses and we want to continue to help! In addition to providing resources, we are developing a directory of all businesses who are open for business either virtually or who offer curbside delivery, online shopping options etc..

To be added to our Distance Socially, Support Locally Page please click the link below. 


Special Thanks to our Patron's Circle Members!

We couldn't do what we do without YO
Chamber Insider - May 12, 2020