August 2010
Baker Bulletin

Condolences to the family of Darryl Johns (Tregoning Industries).  We sincerely express our deepest sympathy to this family.

Renewing Member

D&D Dairy
First Baptist Church of Glen
First United Methodist Church
Gear & Wheel
L.D. Bradley Surveyors
Lewis Long & Walker
Phantom Fireworks
St. Mary's Catholic Church

New Members

Grand Slam Barbershop

Calendar Events

Buttons and Zippers Open House
Buttons and Zippers is a year old and they would like for you to stop by, look around and enjoy a slice of birthday cake

Back to School Day
Saturday, August 19 the Farmer's Market will sponsor a "Back to School" Day.

Florida Gateway College Ribbon Cutting
Ribbon cutting in Olustee for the official name change of the college to Florida Gateway College.

Woman's Club
The Woman's Club meetings will begin for the new year on August 19 @ 10:00 am. Something new they are trying this year is a meeting in the evenings which will begin on the 19th at 7:00 pm

Vote NO on 4

Amendment 4: Higher taxes, fewer jobs, more lawsuits
Amendment 4 - a statewide "Vote on Everything" initiative - is a grave threat to Florida's future. This proposed rewrite of the Florida Constitution will imperil Florida's economy and unique quality of life.
Logon to to sign up and view videos regarding the disastrous amendment.

2010 Sales Tax Holiday

The 2010 sales tax holiday will be August 13-15. The items you can purchase that will be exempt from sales tax are: books, clothing, footwear and certain accessories selling for $50 or less, and certain school supplies selling for $10 or less. There are certain exclusion on all of the above items. You can pickup a list of tax exempt items at the Chamber office or log on to

Lunch and Learn

Growing old is not for Sissies! This was the  topic of the July 22 Lunch and Learn presented by John Simmons, Macclenny Nursing and Rehab.  Mr. Simmons gave the group of approximately 25 members some pointers to think about as we grow older:  start thinking about growing old; get financial advice; talk to older people about what's happening to you, someone you trust; talk to your doctor and pay attention to health care issues. But, Mr. Simmons, stated "You must have a sense of humor". 

How to Stay Young and Grow Old Gracefully:
1.   Throw out non-essential numbers - age, weight, etc.
2.   Keep only cheerful friends.
3.   Keep learning - make yourself do something you've never done before.
4.   Enjoy the simple things - calm moments, relive good moments.
5.   Laugh often - long and loud.
6.   Tears happen. Endure, grieve and move on.
7.   Be ALIVE while you are alive - enjoy your life.
8.   Surround yourself with what you love - friends, flowers, grandkids.
9.   Cherish your health - be informed.
10. Dont take guilt trips - avoid the negative.
11. Tell people you love that you love them.
12.  LIfe is not measured by the number of breaths you take - but by the moments that take your breath!

New Members Luncheon

Tuesday, August 3, the Chamber held their second New Members Luncheon for the year.  We had five new members and several board members attending.

Member Network

The Woman's Club will begin having their meetings again this month.  Thursday, August 19 at 10:00 am and a new evening meeting will begin on the same date at 7:00 pm.  If you can't make the morning meeting, then try for the 7:00 pm meeting.  More info, call Sydney Ferreira @ 307-8442.
The Farmer's Market Board has modified the Vendor's Agreement slightly to allow the sale of some craft/clothing items that have been purchased for resale. These items must be new, first quality and approved in advance by the Board or market manager. Examples - candles, scarves.
Chamber Newsletter - August 2010

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