Grandma Daisy's, Inc.

Grandma Daisy's is "an old time confectionery" recently opened by sisters: Krishun Stanton and Bridget O'Neill. Krishun and Bridget own and operate the store, and they are both long time residents of Boulder City. They grew up in a small tourist town...

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About Grandma Daisy's, Inc.

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About Us

Grandma Daisy's is "an old time confectionery" recently opened by sisters: Krishun Stanton and Bridget O'Neill. Krishun and Bridget own and operate the store, and they are both long time residents of Boulder City. They grew up in a small tourist town in Wisconsin named Wisconsin Dells.

Both Krishun and Bridget have worked at candy stores over the years, and they have always wanted to open their own store. They learned most of the old-fashioned recipes they use in their new store back when they were working in other candy stores.

Krishun and Bridget take great pride in using old fashioned techniques to make their famous fudge and delectable chocolates. They buy and stock the store with delicious candy that they both liked as kids, and they are always open to suggestions about different kinds of candies to include in the store.

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Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.

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