Moapa Valley Revitalization Project

The Moapa Valley Revitalization Project is a non-profit organization. The goal of the MVRP is to create a community locals can be proud of. Where store fronts are no longer vacant and tourists have a reason to stop and explore. Having a quaint commun...

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About Moapa Valley Revitalization Project

About Us About Us
About Us

The Moapa Valley Revitalization Project is a non-profit organization. The goal of the MVRP is to create a community locals can be proud of. Where store fronts are no longer vacant and tourists have a reason to stop and explore. Having a quaint community that encourages tourism is a great way to spark our local economy without changing what it is that makes it unique.
The MVRP is a NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION. All proceeds from shirt sales, memberships and donations will help our non profit organization in building a future for our community. We have worked with NCOT and NDOT as well as other agencies to increase tourism to our area. We have successfully acquired signage directing traffic through our town. We have used donations for rack cards which will bring tourism to the valley.

The MVRP is also working to improve the street scape in downtown Overton in an effort to encourage businesses occupy existing buildings and to encourage visitors and locals alike to stop and shop. It is our mission to do all of this without changing our towns rural appeal.

Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.

Boulder City Chamber of Commerce.

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