October 2023, Volume 4
Reach Out - Take Part - Connect

Catch of the Week

Captain Rob Ayers

Chris and Melissa Fontana from nearby Colusa Ca.  This team of beautiful people including John and Wendy Narvaes came for some beautiful weather and fishing.  Melissa caught and of course released this beautiful brown trout.  She generally catches the biggest and most they tell me.  Way to go Melissa.

Town Trivia

Chamber has discontinued Town Trivia until further notice. A HUGE thank you to Katherine Sansone for volunteering her time to put Town Trivia together on a weekly basis for years. The Chamber appreciates her time and effort immensely. 

Please send response to trivia@lakealmanorarea.com

Welcome New Chamber Members

Walker's Heating & Air
Walker, Samantha

Pfauhaus Consulting
Peacock, Annika

Lassen Window Wash
Westbrook, Melanie

The Sandpiper
Grace, Sarah

Cherrywood Winery LLC.
Moore, Dana

McKenzie Mobile Notaries
McKenzie, Michelle

The Elegant Farmer

Thursday October 26th from 5-6:30pm
Not sure how many have met Kjessie from Barn Swallow Gardens but if people could be flowers she would certainly be one of the prettiest! She is just a delight and will be here at The Elegant Farmer to demonstrate fall bulb planting for our area. This is a must-do class for anyone who loves to garden.
Stop by The Elegant Farmer or call us to sign up. This class will sell out fast! Only 15 coveted spots!!
The Elegant Farmer
* wine and nibbles included

Lake Almanor Ace Hardware

Fall Mums are here! They are a very vibrant and beautiful flower for this season! They thrive in full sun with enough water, and they are perennials. So if you get them in the ground now you will have a nice surprise next spring! Come check them out at Lake Almanor Ace Hardware while the supply lasts! 

417 Main Street Chester, CA 96020
(530) 258-3955
8:30am - 5:00pm Monday-Saturday
10:00am-4:00pm Sunday

Ayoobs Intermountain Hardware

We’re teaming up with Rusty Chandelier throughout the cold season to provide you guys with free pastries every Friday! They’ll be ready for you bright and early Friday mornings along with some hot coffee

Lake Almanor Fitness Center

Saturday's GROUP X Party had a great turnout. Congratulations to Zuhro Ibragimova for winning the $100 prize. Congratulations to all our other winners. there were some really wonderful prizes given away. A huge "Thank You!" to all who helped and/or attended.
We have THREE EXCITING WORKSHOPS starting! Mark your calendar. Sign-ups are happening now.
*TRX Gentle Strength Training (Nov. 1st at 9am)
*Tai Chi (Nov. 6th @ 9am)
*Vinyasa Power Flow Yoga (Nov. 15th @ 5:30pm)
ZUMBA is back for an 8 Week Course starting, this week, October 26.
Come in or give us a call at 530-258-3900 to reserve your place. Space is limited.

November Classes and Schedule 

Get a jump on the holidays!
Join one of our Boot Camp classes run twice a week. This is an ongoing  8-week course that includes all components of fitness, nutrition, and body scans. We have morning classes and evening classes to choose from. The program includes two days per week for Boot Camp and . Boot Camps also includes a consultation with Kelly at the beginning of the series to do all measurements, health and fitness history, body composition, and plan a nutritional program for the client. A body comp composition and measurements are done at the end of the course as well. In addition, your trainer will plan an exercise program for the future. Give us a call at 530-258-3900 to see if Boot Camps are a good fit for your exercise goals.

Submit Your Events

Submit Your Events to the Lake Almanor Area Chamber Events Website
It's that time of the year! If you have events that you would like posted on our LakeAlmanorArea.com events calendar, please submit them by clicking here.
Please note that event submissions do not guarantee placement on the calendar. We will review each event submission to determine eligibility. 

The Library Corner

Chester Library
210 First Avenue
(530) 258-2742

Spring Hours of Operation (April - October)
Tues, Wed, Fri: 10-12, 12:30-5:30
Thurs: 12-5, 5:30-7
Sat: 11-3

Services Offered
Copies and prints are 20 cents each, black and white only. Free public computers and WiFi.

Children's Storytime: 
2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 11 AM
Books, music/movement, crafts

Job Postings

For all job postings, please go to lakealmanorarea.com/employment

The Almanor Foundation

Executive Director
$41,500 – $54,600/year. Part-time 25 – 30 hours/week with ability to grow with the organization.
Summary of Position
The Executive Director of The Almanor Foundation plays a crucial role in leading and managing the organization towards achieving its mission and goals. While a full time ED position encompasses a broader role in strategic leadership, fundraising and donor relations, the Board is prioritizing the following functions for at least the first year of employment: The primary responsibilities of the position will include:
  1. Strategic Leadership: Support the Board of Directors in developing and implementing a clear vision and strategic plan for the foundation. With Board leadership you will guide the organization and its staff in making informed decisions and setting strategic priorities.
  2. Financial Oversight: Manage the foundation’s budget and financial resources, ensuring transparency, accountability, and responsible stewardship of funds. Work with the finance committee to develop and monitor budgets, oversee financial reporting, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and policies.
  3. Organizational Management: Oversee the day-to-day operations of the foundation, including human resources, staff management, and organizational development.
  4. Grantmaking and Program Management: Work with board members, to design and manage effective grant making programs to address community needs and support local nonprofits. Work with the board and staff to develop grant guidelines, evaluate proposals, and monitor the impact of funded projects, ensuring they align with the foundation’s mission and objectives. 
  5. Community Engagement and Collaboration: Support board members and volunteers in building and nurturing relationships with community organizations, government entities, and other key stakeholders to foster partnerships and collaborations. Work with board to represent the foundation in community events, advocate for important causes, and serve as a liaison to strengthen the foundation’s impact and visibility.
  6. Board Governance and Development: Work closely with the Board Chair to provide guidance and support to the board of directors, facilitating their engagement in strategic decision-making processes, and ensuring effective governance practices. Collaborate with board members to recruit and onboard new directors, promote board development activities, and foster a positive and constructive board culture.
  7. Fundraising and Donor Relations: Support board members in their fundraising efforts by cultivating relationships with individual donors, corporate partners, and community stakeholders. Work with board to identify funding opportunities, develop fundraising strategies, and establish strong connections with potential donors to secure financial support for the foundation’s initiatives.    https://almanorfoundation.org/jobs/ Email resume and cover letter to admin@almanorfoundation.org

Olah Construction is seeking carpenters who are knowledgeable in the carpentry trade and possess at least two years experience. Competitive pay is dependent on experience and you must have your own tools and reliable transportation as job sites are all around the Lake Almanor basin. Must have the ability to work with other team members as well as independently. Please send resume to olahconstruction@gmail.com or call 258-4810. www.olahconstruction.com

Collins is always searching for people to join our talented team. Benefit premiums are covered 100% for employees as well as dependents. We offer 401k and retirement benefits, as well as vacation and holiday pay. Our company culture is unmatched. Please stop in, contact HR at 530-258-4412 or view the job posting at collinsco.com/HR/.


SHD has many open positions in the healthcare and support fields. We offer competitive pay and a full benefits package.
Apply online or come by the hospital to fill out an application.

Call HR @ 833-227-3743 x1510 or email jmathews@senecahospital.org with any questions.

Howard Construction Hiring Multiple Full-Time Positions in Chester
Now hiring journeyman, apprentice and/or laborers. You and your truck must be reliable, have a phone for contact reasons. Pay depending on experience. Call 530-258-3541 – Email  kyle@howardconstruction4u.com; Please see flyer here.

About Us

The Town Chatter is made possible through the funding of our
Community Partners:

Antlers Motel
Ayoobs Intermountain Hardware
Collins Pine
Coldwell Banker Kehr/O'Brien Real Estate
Lake Almanor Ace Hardware
Lake Almanor Fitness Center
Olah Construction
Rouland Insurance
Seneca Healthcare District.
The Elegant Farmer

and our Platinum Members:

Howard Construction
Five Star Bank
Il Lago Pizza & Pasta

Chamber Board Meetings are at 8:30 am on the 2nd WEDNESDAY of each month in the Chamber office at 278 Main Street. All are welcome. Zoom is available.

Please click here to view our current bylaws.

Lake Almanor Area Chamber
278 Main St., Chester
P.O. Box 1198  96020


Bits & Pieces

Merchants' Safe Trick-or-Treat and Halloween Costume Contest - October 31

From 3-5pm on October 31st, families will be in their costumes walking Chester Main Street for some yummy candies provided by the businesses along Main Street. The Costume Contest will  take place from 3-5pm in front of Mt Lassen Theatre. Voting will start November 1st and winners will be announced November 7th. 

All Hallows' Eve at St. Andrew's Church
Tuesday, October 31st
6pm at St. Andrew's Church - 174 Melissa Ave
Evensong, Litany of the Saints, Holy Communion 

CHS football game on 10/27 has been moved to Greenville​.

Lake Almanor Christian School Festa Italiana Dinner & Live & Silent Auction
Saturday, Novembeer 4th 
Tickets $20
Doors open at 5pm
Call (530) 596-4100 for tickets

Chester High School Fall Pie Sale
Proceeds benefiting the class of 2027
October 9th - November 10th 
Pumpkin Pie -- Apple Pie
Place your order in the front office. All pies will be delivered on Nov. 17th. Thank you for your support! 


Fire Sirens Extending the Shopping Season
Some of the best finds in the basin are at the Fire Sirens Thrift Shop, and for your shopping needs, the store will be extending the season by staying open through October 28.  The shop, under management of Kris Moore and volunteer “sirens,” will be open Wednesday and Saturday from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The shop will have a holiday sale on Friday and Saturday, November 24 and 25, Thanksgiving Weekend. For those with items to donate, contributions are accepted on Sundays through October from 11:00am to 1:00pm; and then by appointment only through March. To prepare for the holiday sale, we are looking for Christmas dĂ©cor such as trees, ornaments, crafts, sweaters, etc.   

Scarecrow Contest 
Do you have your scarecrow up for voting?! If not, please get them displayed by October 30th.  Please register by clicking here.

Plumas County Library Book Giveaway Month
October will be a book giveaway month at the Plumas County Library. Children age 0 – 18 may stop in to their local branch any time during open hours, choose an activity sheet, complete it, return it, and then pick out a free book. (One free book is allowed per day per person.) Activity sheets may also be printed from the library website in October at www.plumascounty.us/593. The October edition of our Plumas County Library Newsletter is now available to read by clicking on this link: https://plumascounty.us/.../PC-Library-Newsletter---Oct-2023

Libraries with Heart
Check out Plumas County Library's new program, Libraries with Heart! Starting now, you can check out blood pressure kits like you would any other tool lending library item. (They are available at both Plumas and Sierra locations.) More info can be found on the Our Collections webpage under Libraries with Heart. www.plumascounty.us/2842

Timber House Oktoberfest Saturday, Oct. 28th
Join us Saturday, Oct 28th from 11am-9pm to celebrate the debut of our Oktoberfest Brew! There will be food, games, music, and of course... beer!

Mill Creek Resort Hosts a One Day Wellness Retreat on November 5th
Spend a restful day at Mill Creek Resort on November 5th from 10am-4pm for a well-deserved slowdown in the mountains. The day will be centered around nature, journaling, gentle unwinding yoga, sound + chakra clearing, yoga nidra meditation and fire ceremony. A nourishing meal will be provided.

Susanville Symphony Coming to Mt. Lassen Theatre in December
Boc to Rock with some Christmas Classics!
December 2, 2023 at 6:00pm
Presale tickets Oct. 1- Dec. 1 - $20, tickets at the door $25
Please call (530) 258-3009 for more information. 

Featured News from PlumasSun.Org
Plumas Underburn Cooperative plans prescribed burn Oct. 24
Screening of ‘Hotshot’ film supports Grassroots Wildland Firefighters
League of Women Voters hears about county finances

Donate to the New Year's Eve Fireworks
Help keep this wonderful tradition alive for years to come. Please click here if you would like to donate. Thank you so much for your generous donation! For more information about our New Year's Eve Fireworks Show, please visit: https://www.lakealmanorarea.com/new-years

Advertising in the Town Chatter
Would you like to advertise your business or event in the Town Chatter? Email info@lakealmanorarea.com for more information. 

Classified Ads Now Featured in the Town Chatter
Do you have a classified ad that you would like shared? Submit your ad by clicking here.
To view classified ads, please click here.

 For daily (and sometimes hourly) news and information, please visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lakealmanorarea

Film screening supports mountain bike team

Facts about Halloween

Katherine Sansone

Facts about Halloween
  1. The first Halloween originated in Ireland.
  2. The Catholic Church holy day that is associated with Halloween is All Saints (Hallow) Day
  3. According to superstition, if you look into the mirror at midnight on Halloween a vison of your future husband or wife will appear.
  4. Jack ‘O Lanterns were first carved out of turnips.
  5. If you have an intense fear of Halloween you suffer from Samhainophobia.
  6. The significance of seeing a spider on Halloween is that the spirit of a loved one is looking over you.
  7. If born on Halloween, it is believed that you have the ability to see and talk to spirits.

Advanced Geologic Exploration, Inc.

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Game Night with the Chamber

Game Night with the Chamber
Get ready to party! We're serving up a night of exciting games, great company, and mouth-watering hors d'oeuvres. And just when you thought it couldn't get any better, we're topping it off with sweet desserts, and a no-host bar. Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 2nd at 5pm and join us! Please note that attendance is open to all, and Chamber membership is not a requirement.

As part of our annual Chamber Member event, members will receive a copy of the current strategic plan, vote on annual Chamber items, and network with Directors and other Chamber businesses. Don't miss out!

Catered by Cravings
Veteran's Memorial Hall
225 Gay Street Chester CA 96020
Cost: $30 per person or two tickets for $50

RSVP today by clicking here.

Chester Park Ice Rink is Coming Back November 24!

Important Information from Seneca Healthcare District

Mt Lassen Theatre Upcoming Shows

Almanor Fishing Association Report

John Crotty

Lake Almanor is going to see another spectacular fall day today with sunny skies and temperature reaching the sixties. Starting tonight our weather is going to change, NOAA is predicting rain Wednesday through early Thursday morning and chances of rain and snow at lake level Friday and Saturday. Overnight lows on Saturday will be in the high teens with daytime highs not reaching fifty. Time to put the heater back in the boat!

Lake level is up .15” since last report, currently sitting at 4486.37 (last year on the same date Almanor was at 4475.81). Water temperatures are hovering around 57 degrees and clarity is unchanged at 13-15’. Almanor remains in perfect shape for this time of year.

Our red-hot bite has slowed the past couple of days and weather will make for tough fishing the rest of this week. Fish remain scattered throughout the lake and the water column. You can pick your preferred trolling method as fish have been actively feeding in preparation for winter. I continue to slow troll plastics and crawlers, the bite from Big Cove to the A-frame died for me and I have been concentrating my efforts from the tip of the peninsula north. Fishermen are catching fish along the East Shore and around Hamilton Branch and Big Springs. The bite will be tough until our weather settles.

Water temperatures are hovering around fifty-seven degrees, clarity is unchanged at 12-15’ and water level has increased a couple of tenths over the past fourteen days currently sitting at 4486.22.

Hamilton Branch has been the spot for shore fishing, as our weather changes and water temperatures drop shore fishing around the dam will improve.

Boat owners don’t forget to order your quagga mussel stickers, you will need to go online to order a renewal notice will NOT be mailed to you.

Winter is right around the corner; most seasonal businesses have closed or will be closing at the end of October. Campgrounds are closing as well. Canyon Dam will remain the only available public boat ramp through the winter and if the past few years are any indication, removing snow from the boat ramp is not a priority for the USFS.

A Letter From CJSHS Athletic Director

Chester Community,

Chester Jr/Sr High School is looking for coaches at all levels. Currently we need a junior high boys’ basketball coach and a junior varsity boys’ basketball coach. 

Our varsity basketball coach is coaching all three teams with one assistant. This is my 25th season of coaching football and I’m doing it by myself with a helper once a week, it’s impossible. When we play other small communities, they have at least 3 coaches, if not 4 or 5. 

Chester has a long tradition of success in all sports and it is in serious jeopardy, not for lack of athletes, but for lack of coaches. The number one comment I get is, “I don’t have the time.” Nobody has the time, it’s a matter of priorities. If we want our student/athletes to have the opportunity to play like those before them, we need some adults to step up. Each sport is a 3-4-month commitment, not too much to ask so that our student-athletes can create a lifetime of memories. 

Please email me at thernandez@pcoe.k12.ca.us if you are interested.

Thank you,

Terry T. Hernandez

CJSHS Athletic Director

2023 Town Chatter eNewsletter - October 2023, Volume 4