Congratulations to Keith Wright who raised the most money for his charity the Orangevale / Fair Oaks Food Bank and the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce. Keith raised a total amount of $28,031.05. He was presented a check in the amount of $14,015.52 for his charity by Catrayel Wood Honorary Mayor 2017 and Board Director along with Roselyn Barbray Fair Oaks Chamber President.
Congratulations to runner up Jim Cralle who raised a total amount of $23,254.04. He was presented a check in the amount of $11,627.02 by past Honorary Mayor, and current Vice President of FOCC Rachel Griffith. Jim's charity was the Fair Oaks Rotary Foundation.
Both of these gentlemen had one of the best campaigns, they both were very supportive of each other and had fun events that were very different from the past fundraising events held. These two crushed the past records held by mayor candidates raising a total of $51,285.09 they helped bring our overall total of $435,504.17 monies raised for the Fair Oaks Community.
Past Honorary Mayor's that attended From Left to Right: Catrayel Wood 2017, Rachel Griffith 2016, Karyn BarthMoore 2015, Bob Clouse 2014, Penny Howard 2006, Mike Maddox 2004, Barry Brown 2007, Dustin Buck 2008, Brad Smith 2003, Diane Templeton 2009, Warren McWilliams 1996, Ray Young 2001, Cathy Smallhouse 1991, Joe Maloney 1987, Roselyn Barbray FOCC President 2018.
We also crowned a New Miss Fair Oaks Ambassador that evening
Congratulations to Cassie Kendall a Freshman at Sac State, she will be our current Miss Fair Oaks Ambassador representing the FOCC and our community.
Jr. Honorary Mayor Ambassador
Congratulations to Delanie Kendall our new FOCC Jr. Honorary Mayor Ambassador,
Delanie is currently a Sophomore at Bella Vista High School
New Youth Ambassador
Congratulations to Hanna Whisler who will be a youth ambassador representing FOCC. Hanna is currently a 7th grader at Carnegie Middle school.