Update on California's Pandemic Roadmap
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State of California Guidelines

State of California Guidelines

Update on California’s Pandemic Roadmap

Some Businesses to Open Friday
As you may know, on Thursday, Governor Gavin Newsom announced reopening guidelines for Stage 2 and a “deeper” Stage 2 for counties that meet certain criteria. There will be modifications to the stay at home order on Friday, May 8. The Governor released updated industry guidance – for some retail, manufacturing, and logistics – to begin reopening with modifications. The goal remains to reduce risk and establish a safe environment for workers and customers.
Governor's PowerPoint
The link above is the PowerPoint from the Governor's presentation and below is a link that includes reopening guidance for individual industry sectors.
Lower-risk workplaces
Gradually re-open retail (curbside only), manufacturing & logistics. Later, relax retail restrictions, adapt & re-open schools, child care, offices & limited hospitality, personal services.
Re-Opening Roadmap
The PowerPoint provides specific criteria each county must meet to “go deeper” into Stage 2. These include metrics on testing, tracking, ability to “serve” those unable to work, hospital capacity, PPP for senior care and accommodations for homeless, among other matters.
Meeting the outlined measures will require cooperation and leadership from local governments and other partners. We are keenly aware there will be questions, concerns, and strongly worded suggestions moving forward. The Fair Oaks Chamber will continue to monitor the situation as it develops, particularly in Sacramento. We remain committed to keeping our members, our business community and residents informed about these important matters.
Fair Oaks Chamber Of Commerce - Update on California's Pandemic Roadmap