About Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #6459
Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #6459
Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #6459, your ultimate destination for convenient and affordable shopping. We understand that finding the best prices on your essentials shouldn't be a hassle, which is why we're committed to being your one-stop shop for all your needs.
Whether your pantry needs restocking, your candy dish is running low, or you're simply looking to replenish your beauty supplies and perfumes, you'll find everything you need at our Harker Heights Walmart Neighborhood Market. Conveniently located at 960 East Fm 2410, Harker Heights, TX 76548, just 0.6 miles from Harker Heights High School, we're easily accessible for all your shopping needs.
We recognize that your time is valuable, which is why we're open every day from 6 am, ensuring you can get what you need, when you need it. Have a specific question or looking for a particular item? Our friendly and knowledgeable associates are here to assist you. Give us a call at 254-892-6990, and we'll be delighted to help you out.
Ready to elevate your shopping experience even further? Explore Walmart+ today. With perks like free shipping and delivery from our store, Scan & Go, and early access to our best deals, Walmart+ offers convenience and savings like never before. Plus, enjoy exclusive discounts at Walmart and Sam’s Club fuel stations, as well as savings on Exxon, Mobil, and Murphy gas stations, helping you save even more money and live better.